Friday, April 29, 2011

Heavenly Worship aka Perpetual Praise, Revelation 4:1-2, 6b-11 or Revelation 4; The Adult Sunday School Lesson for 5-8-11

ATTENTION:  Please note that this is The Adult Sunday School Lesson, Heavenly Worship aka Perpetual Praise, on Revelation 4:1-2, 6b-11 or Revelation 4 respectively for the 5-08-11 International Sunday School Lesson.  You will find the 5-01-11 lesson, The Christ Hymn aka Be Like Jesus, directly beneath this message and on the right side.


Heavenly Worship
Perpetual Praise
Revelation 4:1-2, 6b-11
Revelation 4
International Sunday School Lesson
May 8, 2011

Jed Greenough

The book of Revelation is at its core a prophecy as it declares itself in verse 3 in the very first chapter.  I believe that this prophecy is apocalyptic in nature in that I believe that it concerns the time of judgment during the end times.  This book which is both prophetic and apocalyptic follows the norm for those genres in that it is full of what appears to me to be figurative language.
Figurative language as a rule is not to be taken literally.  Are some, most or all of these fantastic things we read figurative?  Despite what many would say, I will tell you this:  I don’t know.  We will not know until we have had what is revealed fulfilled.
I don’t know.  I have to admit that I don’t like to use those words, but anyone teaching you too many absolutes concerning this book had best be kept under close surveillance as to what else they might be teaching as well.
What about today’s verses for our lesson found in Revelation 4?  I will be a bit more definitive in my answers than I don’t know.  That might come as a bit of a surprise considering everything that I just said but before I go much further, I want to point out a bit more concerning the genre that the book of Revelation is.
I stated that I believed that the book of Revelation is an Apocalyptic Prophecy.  Most, I feel confident; agree with that statement and that is pretty much where most stay.  There is however something else that is very interesting to me that I noticed about this book, it is an Epistle.  Yep, an epistle, a letter just like the letters that we recently studied that Paul wrote to Timothy.
Notice the prologue, the greetings and the doxology, the body and the conclusion.  Compare it to some of the famous books of prophecy and you will find that there is very little similarity with them.
My point is this, I teach Paul’s Pastoral Epistles as literal truths even though he received them as revelations from above.  So therefore I think that we must not write off this letter as just being figurative but that it contains literal truths as we.
What I say here is my opinion, perhaps God guides me in the words that I use, and I pray that He does.  But I feel as confident as I can be in saying that what you read about in today’s Revelation 4 is literal.
Do you believe the scriptures that say God is in heaven, that He has a throne, or that Jesus is at His right hand interceding on our behalf?  I do.
If you were in John’s place how do you think you would describe the sight he saw if you were given that blessing?  How do you think you can possibly describe in human terms what the throne room of God Almighty looks like?
Go back in your Bibles and you will see this isn’t the first time this room has been revealed.  In 1 Kings 22 the prophet Micaiah saw the Throne Room with the multitudes of heaven standing around God.
In Isaiah 6 Isaiah gives us a much more vivid picture for the mind’s eye then we see in 1 Kings especially of the seraphs.  Here we read that Isaiah heard that, “Holy, holy, holy” just as John did.  These are the only two places you will see that triple combination of holy in the scriptures.
Finally in Ezekiel 1 we progress to see an even more vivid descriptive picture of the Throne Room. 
Slight differences sure but I have no problems with that.  In fact the way I view it is that what these different men are attempting to explain serves to bolster my point.  To my mind what I see is a human man in Isaiah, in Ezekiel and in John trying to explain in human terms what certainly are not human sights but heavenly ones!
Remember what Paul said in Hebrews 8:5 about the temple priests?  He said, “They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven.  This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: “See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.”
I don’t think that whether I am correct or not matters too much but I do believe that it is imperative that we understand that God is actively watching over us.  That we see just as in 1 Kings, Isaiah 6 and Ezekiel 1 God is in command and that He is the ultimate authority.  If you read those other visions you will see that what came out of the throne room was a vision of judgment.  In today’s scripture if we read on in Revelation from this point where we are in the throne room we will see that judgment follows here as well, final judgment.   Figurative or literal descriptions aside, what is being talked about is judgment.

“God is not a man, that He should lie,
nor a son of man, that He should change His mind.
Does He speak and then not act?
Does He promise and not fulfill?
Numbers 23:19

For Discussion:
1.      Some of us are not including all of Revelation 4 today, I hope that you will.
2.      Read the other accounts as mentioned above of the Throne Room.
3.      Consider those things John described the best he could by saying they were like something and those things that he said were or are something.
4.      Pay specific attention to the praise and worship God is given in the throne room and contrast that with the praise and worship given God where you worship.
5.      This idea of worship in heaven is pictured better by including Revelation 5 in your reading.
6.      In reading other Bible versions such as the KJV or Young’s Literal Translation the rendering of Revelation 5:9-10 causes us to consider the elders in the throne room differently from the NIV.  In those versions they are included in those redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and those who will reign on earth.
7.      In the Bible read the descriptions given of the tabernacle/temple and compare the descriptions given in the visions of Ezekiel, Isaiah and John paying attention to such things as the “sea”, the lamp, the ark of the covenant and the cherubim and so on.

5-15-11:  Thankful Worship Revelation 7:9-17
5-22-11: All Things New (New Order of Things) Revelation 21:1-8 or 21:1-8, 22-27           respectively. 
5-29-11:   Tree of Life (Water of Life) Revelation 22:1-9 or 22:1-9, 13-17
6-05-11:   God’s Promises Fulfilled (God Keeps His Promises) Joshua 1:1b-6; 11:16-19, 21-23 or Joshua 1:1-6; 11:16-23 respectively.

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Christ Hymn aka Be Like Jesus, Philippians 2:1-11; The Adult Sunday School Lesson for 5-1-11

ATTENTION:  Please note that this is The Adult Sunday School Lesson, The Christ Hymn aka Be Like Jesus, on Philippians 2:1-11 for the 5-01-11 International Sunday School Lesson.  You will find the 4-24-11 lesson, Christ is Risen! aka Go and Tell, directly beneath this message and on the right side.


The Christ Hymn
Be Like Jesus
Philippians 2:1-11
International Sunday School Lesson
May 1, 2011

Jed Greenough

Have you ever stopped attending a church class or group or position within a church because of problems you were having with another member?  How about the extreme example of leaving a church because of the same reason? 

You are not alone, but I feel more and more that when any of us do this we are in error.  More and more it seems that as we split and form new denominations, form house churches or stay at home, we are sinning against Christ, sinning against the unity that He prayed that we would display so that the world would believe.

Don’t get me wrong, I know that the reasons for these troubles are real, that they are substantive and that those who are passionate about the reasons are passionate about Christ.  It does not change my position however that we are in error when because of disunity with our brothers and sisters we split from them either partially or in total.
To come away from today’s lesson and read the scripture and just think thoughts that are individualistic in nature with regard to our being like Jesus, would be to miss the point that Paul is making.  Paul didn’t write this letter to one person named Philip but rather to all those that made up the church at Philippi.

This appeal to each of these members I would like you to apply to yourself.  To paraphrase, if you are united with Christ and you have any encouragement then stay like-minded with your brothers and sisters.  If you receive comfort from Christ’s love then stay united.  If you have any fellowship whatsoever with the Spirit then keep your unity.  If you have any tenderness or compassion then be in one spirit and purpose.

Again, I feel that if we do not have this attitude, an attitude of being servants, then we are going against Christ.  If you remember the story of Paul’s (Saul’s) conversion (Acts 9) then you may remember what Paul had been up to before that moment.  It had been his goal to destroy the fledgling church and he zealously persecuted the members.  What did Christ say to him?

Christ said, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”  “Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked.  “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.”  You see, when you look at it, you cannot argue, disagree or split from a member without doing the same to Jesus as they are inseparable!

As I point out in other places, most recently in our 2-20-11 lesson, we are to take on the role of servant with a responsibility to each other just as Christ did.  This is His will for us, to take care of each other; we cannot do this if we put distance between ourselves.
Sure the behaviors described are outward and inward manifestations that would benefit us as individuals, but it is our fellow Christians that make up our church and all who view this Christ-like behavior that stands to benefit. 
Every knee will bow one day.  We will not hesitate to throw ourselves prostrate before our Lord.  The glory that we sought here and may think we achieved in seeking out our own way, will shame us if we recall it.  Instead what we did and all we will do to glorify Him will be all we care about then and forevermore.

For Discussion:

1.      Colossians 3, Romans 12, Romans 15, Galatians 5:13-26
2.      Go through today’s scripture and assuming all have encouragement, comfort, fellowship, tenderness and compassion due to having Christ, have all write out what they should be like to be like Christ.
3.      Encourage each member to consider at least one way they can demonstrate new Christ-like behavior within the church and ask for volunteers to share their ideas.
4.      Give examples, rather than ask for them, of “generic” examples that have created disunity.
5.      Why is it hard (sometimes) to be humble?
6.      In a previous lesson I suggested a class project where each member came up with people they would like to send an invitation to attend class.  I would especially encourage this project to include those who may not attend due to strife.  Give it a go, it works!
7.      Have someone read aloud John 17:20-23
8.      Please take a moment in your classes to pray for your fellow students in Nigeria as well as all Christians in crisis though out the world!

5-8-11:     Heavenly Worship (Perpetual Praise) Revelation 4:1-2, 6b-11 or Rev 4 respectively.
5-15-11:  Thankful Worship Revelation 7:9-17
5-22-11: All Things New (New Order of Things) Revelation 21:1-8 or 21:1-8, 22-27           respectively. 
5-29-11:   Tree of Life (Water of Life) Revelation 22:1-9 or 22:1-9, 13-17

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Friday, April 15, 2011

Christ is Risen! aka Go and Tell, Matthew 28; The Adult Sunday School Lesson for 4-24-11

ATTENTION:  Please note that this is The Adult Sunday School Lesson, Christ is Risen! aka Go and Tell, on Matthew 28 for the 4-24-11 International Sunday School Lesson.  You will find the 4-17-11 lesson, Hosanna! Aka Praise the Lord, directly beneath this message and on the right side.


Christ is Risen!
Go and Tell
Matthew 28
International Sunday School Lesson
April 24, 2011

Jed Greenough

Last Sunday April 17th we studied the Triumphal Entry.  In it we saw as the people proclaimed “Hosanna in the highest!” according to Matthew 21, “the whole city was stirred and asked, “Who is this?”

During the week that followed, as Christ had only days to live we can see how Jesus filled that week.  We know that on Monday, Jesus cleared the temple.  Remember how he arrived late in Jerusalem on Sunday but went and looked around the temple?  Do you suppose that Jesus thought that whole night about what He had seen?

On Tuesday, the authority by which He was doing these things was questioned by the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders.  In an answer of sorts He taught them in ways that made them decide not to question Him further.

Wednesday, Judas agrees to betray Jesus.

Thursday on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread Jesus and the twelve disciples ate the Last Supper.  Afterwards, they went together to Gethsemane where that night, His soul in anguish, He was arrested.  His disciples scattered and fled and He was brought before the Sanhedrin.

Friday He was cruelly and horribly treated concluding with His crucifixion and finally death on the cross.  Before sundown of this the start of the Jewish Sabbath, Christ was entombed.

Saturday, this Sabbath day of rest would have been one of great sorrow for those who had been close to Jesus.

Sunday at dawn, this is where we find ourselves now, seeing and feeling what those there saw…an empty tomb, an earthquake, an angel and finally, Jesus.  What results is only natural, no one could keep quiet, even the guards went back and reported this greatest of events to have ever been witnessed.  What would you expect but that all who witnessed and heard of this would do as our lesson this week is entitled and “Go and Tell”, “Christ is Risen”!”

Matthew 28:7a “Then go quickly and tell His disciples: He has risen from the dead…”

Matthew 28:10a “Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid.  Go and tell my brothers…”

Matthew 28:11 even the guards went and reported what had happened.

Matthew 28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Week after week we gather together in preparation for our time of worship and the study of God’s word.  Week after week of study or teaching in anything should prepare us to be masters of whatever it is that we are studying or else either we are poor students or poor teachers or both.

How are you doing as a student or as a teacher?  In the days since last Easter, how have you grown in your ability and efforts to go and tell?

“Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed His word by the signs that accompanied it.”  Mark 16:20

For Discussion:

1.      Read the parallel accounts in Mark 16, Luke 24 and John 20.
2.      Compare Matthew 28:17 and Luke 24:41
3.      Romans 1:4
4.      In the parallel account found in Mark 16 it is reported in the NIV that the earliest manuscripts do not contain the verses 9-20.  What do you think?
5.      1 Corinthians 15:1-8
6.      Challenge each person in your class to find a way to go and tell in the year ahead.
7.      In what ways do you support those who do go and tell?
8.      May you have a blessed Easter Holiday!

5-1-11:    Be Like Jesus (The Christ Hymn) Philippians 2:1-11
5-8-11:     Heavenly Worship (Perpetual Praise) Revelation 4:1-2, 6b-11 or Rev 4 respectively.
5-15-11:  Thankful Worship Revelation 7:9-17
5-22-11: All Things New (New Order of Things) Revelation 21:1-8 or 21:1-8, 22-27 respectively.

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Friday, April 8, 2011

Hosanna! aka Praise the Lord, Mark 11:1-11; The Adult Sunday School Lesson for 4-17-11

ATTENTION:  Please note that this is The Adult Sunday School Lesson, Hosanna! aka Praise the Lord, on Mark 11:1-11 for the 4-17-11 International Sunday School Lesson.  You will find the 4-10-11 lesson, Praise Builds Us Up aka Remember the Warnings, directly beneath this message and on the right side.


Praise the Lord
Mark 11:1-11
International Sunday School Lesson
April 17, 2011

Jed Greenough

Time, do you ever reflect on the times of your life?  I find myself doing that more often these days as I look at how quickly life works itself out.  Though we do not have the burden of knowing how our lives ultimately will unfold, Christ did.
Despite the fact that we are studying Mark 11 today, it was the book of John of which I was reminded.  The first time I read John I was left with such a strong feeling concerning the time that Jesus had and how aware He was of that time.  In John 2 His mother wanted Jesus to do something about the wedding party running out of wine and He said, “Dear woman, why do you involve me?  My time has not yet come.”  Although there are other instances regarding it not being His time the fact that He could have easily been taken captive by His enemies is another example of timing that stays with me from the same book.   In John chapters 7 and 8 we can read where they should have easily been able to accomplish that but Jesus knew the time was not right. 
We cannot know from the scripture with certainty but perhaps the Holy Spirit does give us insight to know that Christ reflected about His life and time when He went to the temple even though it was late and looked around at everything.
How about when we read in today’s scripture the instructions that He gave two of His disciples concerning the colt?  He must have reflected on the fact that now it was His time.  He must now proceed to do those things that would show from the scriptures that He was the fulfillment of those prophecies concerning the Messiah.  He must have reflected on how quickly the time of His life had passed.
I draw small comfort from the scriptures that, “All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall.” 1 Peter 1:24  But I can take comfort in knowing that our Savior felt the passing of time just as we do but He carried the added burden of foreknowledge. 
What a burden to know that as voices now shouted “Hosanna!” and “blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord,” some would soon be shouting, “Crucify Him!”  We can see the anguish He felt with what He carried at Gethsemane when we read, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.” Mark 14:34a
Despite all this, for me, for you, He still rode into Jerusalem, “righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey,” Zechariah 9:9a

For Discussion:

1.      Discuss the scriptural significance of a colt, one that had never been ridden, the cloaks, the branches and the quoted scripture.
2.      Discuss whether the class believes that “the Lord” was known by the owners of the colt.
3.      Discuss whether the class views this as a sad or joyous occasion.
4.      Read the parallel accounts in Matthew 21, Luke 19 and John 12.
5.      Discuss why the time was now right for Jesus when it wasn’t before.  Give examples of when the time was not yet right and when it was.
6.      Discuss those that cried “Hosanna” and those that cried “Crucify Him”.
7.      Discuss what you think was going through the mind of Jesus when He sent out the two disciples, during the procession and when He was at the temple.

4-24-11:  Christ is Risen! (Go and Tell) Matthew 28
5-1-11:    Be Like Jesus (The Christ Hymn) Philippians 2:1-11
5-8-11:    Heavenly Worship (Perpetual Praise) Revelation 4:1-2, 6b-11 or Rev 4 respectively.
5-15-11:  Thankful Worship Revelation 7:9-17

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Friday, April 1, 2011

Praise Builds Us Up aka Remember the Warnings, Jude 17-25; The Adult Sunday School Lesson for 4-10-11

ATTENTION:  Please note that this is The Adult Sunday School Lesson, Praise Builds Us Up aka Remember the Warnings, on Jude 17-25 for the 4-10-11 International Sunday School Lesson.  You will find the 4-3-11 lesson, Remember Jesus Christ, directly beneath this message and on the right side.


Praise Builds Us Up
Remember the Warnings
Jude 17-25
International Sunday School Lesson
April 10, 2011

Jed Greenough

Context is everything, so if you haven’t done it already, when you get done here, go back and read the entire small but powerful book of Jude.  Who was Jude?  The scholars of the NIV Bible, as an example, make a strong case that he was in fact the brother of Jesus as opposed to Judas the Apostle and the way his words begin in verse 17 of today’s scripture they may well be correct.

I bring out this issue because though Jude was obviously of no small importance to the early church he says to remember what the Apostles said.  Similarly, we to need to “remember the warnings,” to use what I think is the more fitting of the two titles for today’s lesson.  Remember the warnings that we have been given in the scripture so that we will not be deceived.

It wasn’t just the Apostles that warned us about this deception that would occur in the latter days though was it?  If you participated in the Sunday school lesson on February 27th and visited this site you will remember how I stressed the great focus that Christ put upon this issue.  (If you do not recall, the lesson is available in the archives on the right.)  We can read the warning here in Jude and in Acts 20:29, 1 Timothy 4:1, 2 Timothy 3:1, 2 Timothy 4:3, 2 Peter 3:3 and 2 Thessalonians 2.  If we put forth the effort to see the big picture we must consider how truly frightful the problem will be or rather is. 

Why is it that there are the scoffers, the mockers, those that divide us?  It seems hard for many in certain stages of their faith to believe it, but Paul, if you will recall from our lesson on March 20th in 1 Timothy 4, said that one source will be that “some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.”  Today’s verse 19 tells us that some do not have the Spirit.  And 1 Corinthians 2:14 says this about those:

14 The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.

It is troubling isn’t it that there are people without the Spirit who are here among us, dividing us?  Many are in positions of authority as teachers but have not been given the gift of the Spirit to teach but because they are willing while others are not, they are in place.
Jude sought to remind and encourage his readers of this type of danger.  He sought to remind us of the necessity for the Spirit’s role if the church and those in it were to succeed.  It wouldn’t be through human efforts but through the aid of the Spirit that they and we can be kept in God’s love.
Often though we don’t seem to receive or understand the Holy Spirit’s role in our lives.  We seem to fall into camps of two extremes.  The first is the over emphasis of the Holy Spirit and the other is the neglect of the Holy Spirit.  In which camp do you find yourself?

God being a God, not of disorder but order has perfect balance.  If we can achieve a measure of this balance, we can find ourselves doing the work that we are to be about, the gospel.  Jude phrases in a rather interesting way this work beginning with verse 22, what follows is my take:

1.      Be merciful to those that doubt.
2.      Save those who don’t doubt, but come to faith, snatching them from the fire.
3.      To those that are not in this process either one way or the other, have mercy with fear, being cautious.  But just as with those of the first group, do not discount them as they may come to faith, even those who are the subject of this letter, the false, and the scoffers.  This is the faith we are to persevere in and to contend for.

“Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.” Jude 2

For Discussion:

1.      Examine the scriptures concerning teaching then examine your teachers.  Just because someone will teach, doesn’t mean they should teach. 
2.      If you haven’t grasped the importance of this, look at how important God considers the issue.  The scriptures show that eventually God will give those who choose to not follow the truth a strong delusion.  2 Thessalonians 2 is required reading today!
3.      Devote yourselves to the practice of the early church and what Jude reminds us here today, the teachings of the Apostles.  Save your money and study not the latest and greatest popular teachings of men in your groups but rather God’s word.
4.      How do you pray “in the Holy Spirit”?  If you can’t answer that in your mind, you need to find out.
5.      Do you have a Jude in your midst that you should be listening to?
6.      Verse 21, mentions waiting for the mercy of the Lord.  The Greek word used gives one the idea of looking forward.  Discuss with the class whether they are truly looking forward to the Day of the Lord.
7.      Gather interpretations from amongst the class of verses 22 and 23.

4-17-11:  Hosanna! (Praise the Lord) Mark 11:1-11
4-24-11:  Christ is Risen! (Go and Tell) Matthew 28
5-1-11:    Be Like Jesus (The Christ Hymn) Philippians 2:1-11
5-8-11:    Heavenly Worship (Perpetual Praise) Revelation 4:1-2, 6b-11 or Rev 4 respectively.

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved