Friday, August 26, 2011

Righteousness and Wisdom aka Trust in the Lord, Proverbs 3:1-12; The Adult Sunday School Lesson for 9-4-11

ATTENTION:  Please note that this is The Adult Sunday School Lesson, Righteousness and Wisdom aka Trust in the Lord, on Proverbs 3:1-12 for the 9-4-11 International Sunday School Lesson.  You will find the 8-28-11 lesson, Respecting Community Standards aka Caring for One Another directly beneath this message and on the right side.


Righteousness and Wisdom
 Trust in the Lord
Proverbs 3:1-12
International Sunday School Lesson
September 4, 2011

Jed Greenough

Between today’s two more common titles given for this lesson Trust in the Lord is the one that most resonates with me as I consider our scripture.  The NIV entitles this 3rd chapter as Further Benefits of Wisdom and that is what results according to today’s scripture from trust in the Lord, we benefit.
Solomon starts out in the first verse, “my son, do not forget…” he is addressing this to someone but we put ourselves into that role or we put someone we love into that role.  When it is ourselves we read it in times of pain or questioning or times of making sure we are on the right track.  When it is a loved one such as our child or anyone we care about, we lead them to these verses and say, “see, here is ageless advice.”  We hope that it won’t be, “see this is how you should have behaved if you wanted things to go right in your life.”
We all want our own lives and those we love to be long and prosperous which is natural.  As parents, as teachers, we show the way and that is what God is doing here. Showing that His “word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105. 
Today’s scripture brilliantly shines on the following:
Don’t forget His teaching.
Keep love and faithfulness.
Trust God totally.
Always acknowledge Him.
Remain humble.
Honor God with what He has given you.

And what happens if you don’t do these things?  He does what He must do, He disciplines just as we must do when we truly love our children.  But though the path is explained, and though discipline might occur, we won’t and can’t make those we love walk on the lighted path nor does God make us but hopefully those we love will figure it out sooner than most to trust in the Lord.
How about your path brother or sister Christian?  Though illuminated when you see it are you standing in front of the light a bit so that there are a few shadows? No, I’m not talking to those of you who are just casually following Jesus.  I am talking to YOU the person who “hungers and thirsts for righteousness”.    Maybe you are one of those from today’s verse 12, the person who perhaps was disciplined at some point because He loves you.
Was there some point where the negatives in sight in today’s scripture occurred?  Did you forget the teaching, lose your good name, lean on your own ideas, not trust or acknowledge Him and fail to glorify Him with what you were given?  And then because He loves you God disciplined you?
For you, perhaps your guilt from the past in not getting or staying on the path soon enough is making you think that now the barns aren’t overflowing and the vats of wine not filled to the brim.  I can relate to that and so looking inward we might think that we cannot now do enough to make up for what we failed to do early on.
But let’s you and I look at Matthew 20 and The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyards and apply it to ourselves because remember that is what the kingdom of heaven is like.  Some workers were hired early in the morning, some in the third, sixth, ninth and even in the eleventh hours.  All received the same pay when evening came, they were all equal, “so the last will be first and the first will be last.”
So let’s realize no matter what time we figured it out our barn is overflowing never forgetting the past but concentrating on giving God the glory and teaching others to come to the realization early.
For Discussion:

1.      Consider having combined age groups Sunday School Lessons while we are in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.
2.      Discuss the benefits as found in today’s scripture in following the teaching found in these 12 verses.
3.      Note and discuss the word “all” which is found in verses 5, 6 and 9.
4.      Discuss humility.
5.      Discuss the Lord’s discipline and rebuking of those He loves.
6.      Be prepared to discuss the successes of those who seemingly are not His and the sufferings of those who are.

9-04-11:  Righteousness and Wisdom (Trust in the Lord), Proverbs 3:1-12
9-11-11:  From Generation to Generation (Walk the Straight Path), Proverbs 4:10-15, 20-27
9-18-11:  Teaching Values (Instruction in Wisdom), Proverbs 15:21-33
9-25-11:  Wisdom and Discernment (Wisdom and Government), Proverbs 25:1-10
10-2-11:  An Ordered Life (Wisdom in Practice), Proverbs 29:16-27

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Friday, August 19, 2011

Respecting Community Standards aka Caring for One Another, Ruth 4:1-10; The Adult Sunday School Lesson for 8-28-11

ATTENTION:  Please note that this is The Adult Sunday School Lesson, Respecting Community Standards aka Caring for One Another, on Ruth 4:1-10 for the 8-28-11 International Sunday School Lesson.  You will find the 8-21-11 lesson, Empowering the Needy directly beneath this message and on the right side.


Respecting Community Standards
 Caring for One Another
Ruth 4:1-10
International Sunday School Lesson
August 28, 2011

Jed Greenough

The first thing you should do with today’s lesson is to go back and include reading the fascinating 3rd chapter of Ruth.  Ah, to think about what many will ponder in their minds let alone say out loud if they discuss this chapter as opposed to merely the staid ten verses of our 4th chapter verses 1-10.
As we discussed last week Naomi saw herself as put upon by God and did not realize that her life and the lives of her loved ones including those activities we read about in the 3rd chapter were all going according to God’s plan.  He knew that Boaz and Ruth were the line from whom David’s line should come.  Being clean and smelling good and looking fine didn’t hurt but Boaz clearly “saw Ruth” long before this night and God knew that he would.
By the rules in place though, someone else had first rights, Ruth told Naomi in chapter 2 that Boaz was one of the guardian redeemers, but he was not the only one and not even the one most closely related.  We wouldn’t know this nor why Boaz was having the discourse in today’s chapter 4 verses 1-10 unless we read all the accompanying scripture found in Ruth such as the omitted Ruth 3 and educate ourselves in Leviticus 25 and Deuteronomy 25.
So after reading all of the preceding scripture and getting a little background on redeemers we can now at least understand why the process is going on.  What we don’t fully understand is why this closest redeemer who was so eager to step up to the plate with regard to acquiring the land backs just as quickly away with regard to Ruth.  We can all guess, and some of us might actually come up with what was going on but I personally think Boaz knew the man well and that he knew things would play out this way in the end.  So did God!

For Discussion:

1.      Discuss why Boaz chose this location for events to unfold.
2.      Research and discuss the role that elders fulfilled in these communities.
3.      Note that the name of this more closely related kinsman- redeemer is never mentioned.
4.      Note the similarity between this kinsman and those who after hearing the good news choose not to follow after Christ.
5.      Note that though she also had a right to the land Boaz does not bring up Ruth’s name during negotiations.  Did Boaz have a motive?
6.      Discuss opinions of how this kinsman-redeemer’s estate might be endangered?  Would it really?

9-04-11:  Righteousness and Wisdom (Trust in the Lord), Proverbs 3:1-12
9-11-11:  From Generation to Generation (Walk the Straight Path), Proverbs 4:10-15, 20-27
9-18-11:  Teaching Values (Instruction in Wisdom), Proverbs 15:21-33
9-25-11:  Wisdom and Discernment (Wisdom and Government), Proverbs 25:1-10

If you have read this lesson anywhere else on the Internet other than you have been visiting a site that takes other’s commentary without express permission.  Please support those who create the work for your benefit at their originating sites!

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Friday, August 12, 2011

Empowering the Needy, Ruth 2:8-18; The Adult Sunday School Lesson for 8-21-11

ATTENTION:  I am sorry to have to keep mentioning this but a site continues to take our  content without permission so if you are reading this anywhere other than please return to my blog as I try very hard to help you in your lessons!  Please note that this is The Adult Sunday School Lesson, Empowering the Needy, on Ruth 2:8-18 for the 8-21-11 International Sunday School Lesson.  You will find the 8-14-11 lesson, Making a Choice aka Choosing a Community directly beneath this message and on the right side.


Empowering the Needy
Ruth 2:8-18
International Sunday School Lesson
August 21, 2011

Jed Greenough

Sometimes I work on these lessons weeks if not months in advance and as I attempted to come back to this one I kept coming to a standstill and a bit of confusion would set in as I would get confused between this lesson and the one that followed.  As a result I had to basically go back and read from the beginning about Ruth and Naomi.
What leapt out at me was a common theme, but an often forgotten one, that God is in charge of all things.  We can see this as we read the scriptures but too often we forget it when events happen in our own lives.  When things turn out well it often seems we think that we are solely responsible for the successes.  And when it seems that everything is spinning out of control we think that God has abandoned or afflicted us.
Naomi must have thought that her life was spinning out of control for quite some time.  First she had moved away from everything that was familiar to her as a famine forced her husband Elimelek to move the couple and their sons to Moab. 
The famine forced the move and after a time Elimelek died leaving her not alone but with two sons who as a result of this displacement married women of Moab.  Ten years later the sons also died and Naomi was alone with her daughters-in-law but with no men to provide for them.
Eventually Naomi heard that her homeland was again providing food for the people but Naomi thought in her own words found in Ruth 1:13a that “the Lord’s hand has turned against me!”  In reality however we can see that through it all God’s plan was being lived out, through the use of famine, relocations, death, marriages so that the line of David, the line of Christ would emerge.
Naomi was bitter, empty and afflicted; all words from Ruth 1 but as in today’s scripture of Ruth 2:8-18 we see how God was bringing everything into place not to empower or provide for Naomi or Ruth but to glorify in the end Himself.
Boaz told Ruth that she was being rewarded for all that she had done for his relation, Naomi. However, it wasn’t about Ruth either; some grain gleaned, some bread and some vinegar were not what any of this was really all about.
The next time things turn out well and you receive accolades or you are provided for, try and turn the glory to God.  The next time the service engine light comes on, the dishwasher breaks, the clothes washer floods the room, the kids grades aren’t what you think they should be and the check book balance becomes suddenly sparse all in the same day, don’t proclaim how afflicted you are.  Rather think of how God can in the end be glorified!

For Discussion:

1.      Research and discuss the process of harvesting grain at that time.  A concise and fine example of which can be found in the NIV Study Bible.
2.      Read Leviticus 19:9-10 and Deuteronomy 24:19-22
3.      Discuss Naomi’s feelings of being afflicted by God and how these events ultimately turn out.
4.      Discuss how events in our life could similarly point ultimately to glorifying God.
5.      Discuss the character traits demonstrated by Ruth throughout chapter 2.
6.      Discuss the character traits demonstrated by Boaz throughout chapter 2.

8-28-11:   Respecting Community Standards (Caring for One Another) Ruth 4:1-10
9-04-11:  Righteousness and Wisdom (Trust in the Lord), Proverbs 3:1-12
9-11-11:  From Generation to Generation (Walk the Straight Path), Proverbs 4:10-15, 20-27
9-18-11:  Teaching Values (Instruction in Wisdom), Proverbs 15:21-33
9-25-11:  Wisdom and Discernment (Wisdom and Government), Proverbs 25:1-10

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Friday, August 5, 2011

Making a Choice aka Choosing a Community, Ruth 1:8-18; The Adult Sunday School Lesson for 8-14-11

ATTENTION:  Please note that this is The Adult Sunday School Lesson, Making a Choice aka Choosing a Community, on Ruth 1:8-18 for the 8-14-11 International Sunday School Lesson.  You will find the 8-7-11 lesson, Walk in God’s Path directly beneath this message and on the right side.


Making a Choice
Choosing a Community
Ruth 1:8-18
International Sunday School Lesson
August 14, 2011

Jed Greenough

I often wonder what your individual Sunday School classes are like.  My thoughts are that you are among those within your church who are most devoted to His word. 
I would be willing to wager that your work ethic is such that you have had very few jobs in your life.  That you volunteer to utilize your gift to teach rather than wait to be asked because you know what an important position it is.
Your marriages are strong and your relationships are filled with love.  When you call someone a friend it is more to you than appearing on someone’s Facebook page.
There is no good occasion for you to cheat or bend the rules because you understand the necessity for order in life because of the examples that God has given you.
What it comes down to is character, and you have it.
That is what I see when I read today’s scripture, character.
Of course we have to read all of chapter one in order to better understand the lesson but the first verse that we read that is a part of today’s lesson is Naomi showing concern for her daughters-in-law.  Further reading shows that she is grieving and that she is unsure of what her future holds.  She is however not concerned only for herself but first for these two women.  Naomi in encouraging these two to return to their people is going against what most would do if they were without character. 
Naomi in sending them off would be facing her fears alone and she probably has never been alone in her life.  Facing the unknown can be challenging enough with those you love but facing fear and grief alone is the hardest.
Naomi probably would have been one of several children living with her parents, then she started her own family with Elimelech .  Then their boys came along and then their sons started families as well.  Were the boys married for 10 years I cannot tell for sure based on how it is worded, but that is what some versions indicate?  Though grandchildren are never mentioned, I would have been really surprised if in sending the daughters-in-law away that she might not have also been doing the same thing with beloved grandchildren.  I am sure any grandparent use to having these reminders of their own children would find that even more heart wrenching.
I don’t feel we have enough to go on to make too many judgment calls on Orpha with regard to character.  Being listed first she may very well have been the older of the two.  Her first instincts were to cling to Naomi and to grieve at the prospect of being separated from her.  But after Naomi’s convincing statements she for whatever reason decided to return to her people.  Perhaps she had a very loving family that she had grown up with.  Perhaps she came from a family that could indeed offer her security.  Or perhaps it wasn’t God’s will for her.
With Ruth we saw that same devotion to Naomi which again indicates the kind of woman that Naomi was and as we can go on to see what kind of woman Ruth was as well.  Again, with Ruth we do not know too much of what her background was but she might have still been very young.  She may have left a much worse situation behind when she married into this family.  I suspect that she loved Naomi’s son very much and that helped along with Naomi’s character to place a very strong sense of love and loyalty for Naomi.  Most importantly she developed a faith in the one and only God.
This faith in God and their love for each other is seemingly all these two women of character possess as they set out for the unknown together.

For Discussion:

1.      From whom did the Moabites descend?
2.      Discuss God’s use of “famine”.
3.      Remember this is the time of the Judges.  Discuss the women’s journey in light of the very last verse found in the book of Judges before Ruth 1:1.
4.      It is possible that what is said concerning Orpah in rabbinic literature will be brought up in class.  I would only say that this is not scripture.
5.      Are you familiar with anyone who is suddenly alone for the first time?  Discuss how you might ease their loneliness.
6.      Discuss what you think of Ruth’s statement in verse 15. 

8-21-11:   Empowering the Needy Ruth 2:8-18
8-28-11:   Respecting Community Standards (Caring for One Another) Ruth 4:1-10
9-04-11:   Righteousness and Wisdom (Trust in the Lord), Proverbs 3:1-12
9-11-11:   From Generation to Generation (Walk the Straight Path), Proverbs 4:10-15, 20-27

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved