Sunday, December 29, 2013

On 1-5-14, Luke 6:1-11 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Honoring the Sabbath

Honoring the Sabbath
Luke 6:1-11
International Sunday School Lesson
January 5, 2014


Jed Greenough

“Sir,” the woman said, “I can see that you are a prophet.  Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.”
“Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”  John 4:19-24
There are many ways that God’s word reveals itself as just that, His word.  Back on 12-8-13 I said in my commentary that when I broke into a spontaneous song of praise to God it was about as close as I personally come to worshiping Him in the Spirit and truth that Jesus was talking about in John 4.  Here we see in today’s scripture Jesus in essence referring to the same thing.
The Sabbath can be a confusing thing for Christians especially to those who are at a point where they literally hunger and thirst for God and His word.  We can confuse ourselves with thoughts that we are no longer keeping the Sabbath, that we are worshipping on the wrong day and doing the wrong things.  But we must not forget that the Sabbath like all the Mosaic Laws was given to the Israelites (Exodus 31:6).  And as it says in James 2:10, “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.”  Do we want to go back into that trap?  Please remember that Christ freed us from all of that.
Jesus was showing us in today’s scripture that the intent of the Sabbath was to keep it Holy to God and to be holy.  Similarly he quoted the following from Hosea 6:6 in Matthew 9:13, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.”  It is the spirit of the action not the action that matters.
When the Jews took, or anyone today takes, something and turns it into a legalistic or ritualistic observance instead of what it was intended to be to honor God it is no longer doing just that.

For Discussion:

1.      Read parallel accounts in Matthew 12:1-14 and Mark 2:23-3:6
2.      Read Deuteronomy 23:25
3.      To Harvest on the Sabbath was considered unlawful.  Discuss if you would consider this as harvesting or revealing the nature of these Pharisees
4.      Discuss what Jesus said about David’s actions from verses 3 and 4.  Also compare our verse 3 with Mark 2:25
5.      Read Exodus 25:30 and Leviticus 24:5-9 concerning consecrated bread
6.      Discuss the wonderful statement Jesus made in verse 5
7.      Even after Jesus healed the man in front of their very eyes they were furious and plotted against Him. 

 Future Lessons:

1-12-14       Living as God’s People or How to Live as God’s People, Luke 6:12, 13, 17-31 or 6:17-31
1-19-14       Enlarging Your Circle or Jesus Teaches about Relationships, Luke 14:7-18a, 21-24 or 14:7-18a, 22-24
1-26-14       Showing Compassion for the Poor or Jesus Teaches Compassion for the Poor, Luke 16:19-31
2-2-14         Hear and Do the Word, James 1:19-27

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Sunday, December 22, 2013

On 12-29-13, Luke 2:21, 22, 25-38 or 2:25-38 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Jesus is Presented in the Temple

Jesus is Presented in the Temple
Luke 2:21, 22, 25-38 or 2:25-38
International Sunday School Lesson
December 29, 2013

Jed Greenough

The power of the Spirit working in the lives of the devout is readily apparent early on in these first couple chapters of Luke especially in the scripture for today as we see with Simeon and Anna.  Was it so readily there because of Christ or is there something that we are missing?
I am certain of the part Christ would have played so that answers that but the remainder might be conjecture but for me and my opinion, I am satisfied that most of us today are missing something.
Fact is, the majority of us negate the more dramatic workings of the Spirit and that means we are lessening the Spirit in our lives.  I think of the opportunities missed; missed healing, missed blessings, missed opportunity to be aware of what really is going on in these trying times.
Simeon was righteous and devout and certainly the best among us today would need to be righteous and devout or we will not be used even if we want it to occur.  Anna, even in her advanced age did not lose her passion for God.  She was constantly in a “place” of worship with God.
I will testify that myself personally I have experienced more in my life that I know to be Spirit-based when I have been most devout, most righteous and when I have been in a more constant place of worship.  Furthermore, it has occurred without effort.
After experiencing that one would think that a person would do all that they could to maintain that but we (I’m) a work in progress.  In my case I can also tell you that I wasn’t raised to give the Spirit the measure that is due and I don’t worship today in a place that does either.  But I take full responsibility and I think you can to and change it in your own life.
For those of you who aren’t missing out you can be a benefit to others who are and you must seek ways to do that.  Let me restate that.  Your gift and ability to recognize and utilize that blessing is needed by the church today and you do have a responsibility to those of us who need your assistance and for the good of all who are not yet of the church.  We must stand up and verbalize and yes, demontrate that we are neglecting one third of what we profess as the Trinity.

For Discussion:
1.       Read Exodus 12:2-8
2.       Read Leviticus 12:2-8
3.       Read Exodus 13:2-13
4.       Discuss that people (perhaps you) resist what I am saying.  They would say these examples are not available to all believers
5.       Remember Luke was a Gentile as you consider verse 32
6.       Discuss what Mary and Joseph must have thought when they heard what was said in verses 34-35
7.       Imagine holding Christ as a child in your arms as Simeon did!

Upcoming Lessons

12-29-13    Jesus is Presented in the Temple Luke 2:21, 22, 25-38 or 2:25-38
1-5-14         Honoring the Sabbath, Luke 6:1-11
1-12-14       Living as God’s People or How to Live as God’s People, Luke 6:12, 13, 17-31 or 6:17-31
1-19-14       Enlarging Your Circle or Jesus Teaches about Relationships, Luke 14:7-18a, 21-24 or 14:7-18a, 22-24
1-26-14       Showing Compassion for the Poor or Jesus Teaches Compassion for the Poor, Luke 16:19-31

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Sunday, December 15, 2013

On 12-22-13, Luke 2:1-17 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Jesus is Born

Jesus is Born
Luke 2:1-17
International Sunday School Lesson
December 22, 2013


Jed Greenough

I bring you good news of great joy…” Even from my youth, even before I was a Christian, I remember those stirring words having heard them every Christmas season.  I can’t say I remember any images that might have gone along with it all, whether it was something on television, programs or books but the words sunk in to that little boy.
We can all share the word of God with others but it is a little harder to try and show what we read about in today’s scripture.  People can read these words and see that Jesus was born in simple environs not some palatial digs.  I think that should matter to people.
To me another thing that really matters is that this most momentous of all occasions is announced to simple shepherds.  I certainly like that.
I believe that someone you are sharing this birth with would probably likewise notice that sharing was exactly what these shepherds were doing.  When they had seen Him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child…..The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen…
That is the essence of the gospel message, this “good news of great joy that will be for all the people” that will eventually culminate in the revelation that “God has provided salvation through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
What a great time for us to read this Christmas story, to use the renewed energy this season gives us and emulate those shepherds of long ago and share with others this good news.
For Discussion:
1.       Discuss that God gave man a role in sharing the good news
2.       Discuss what a three day journey would have been like in that day and especially for a near term pregnant woman
3.       God obviously could have “made room” in the inn.  Discuss
4.       Read and discuss what comes to mind when you read verses 9, 13-14
5.       Discuss verse 14
6.       Verse 14 has a famous title you probably know even if you don’t know Latin
7.       Share the Good News!

Upcoming Lessons

12-22-13    Jesus is Born Luke 2:1-17
12-29-13    Jesus is Presented in the Temple Luke 2:21, 22, 25-38 or 2:25-38
1-5-14         Honoring the Sabbath, Luke 6:1-11
1-12-14       Living as God’s People or How to Live as God’s People, Luke 6:12, 13, 17-31 or 6:17-31
1-19-14       Enlarging Your Circle or Jesus Teaches about Relationships, Luke 14:7-18a, 21-24 or 14:7-18a, 22-24

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Sunday, December 8, 2013

On 12-15-13, Luke 1:57, 58, 67-79 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Zechariah’s Prophesies About His Son

Zechariah’s Prophesies About His Son
Luke 1:57, 58, 67-79
International Sunday School Lesson
December 15, 2013

Jed Greenough

“Jed, All of your children are going to accomplish great things, they will not struggle in college, they will find and marry the love of their lives.  Their careers will be successful in that they will enjoy what they will do for a living.  Their children will be healthy and happy.  Most importantly, they will be pleasing in God’s sight.”
Wow!  I sure wouldn’t mind having a visitation or divine inspiration that told me all that about my kids, especially when they were newborns.  But alas, I did not and I have spent and continue to spend much time every day in action or thought to help do my part to help it happen for my kids.
That is how it is for most parents and that is how the children know they are loved and do end up walking a right path most of the time.
Though not without some precedence in the Bible where people like Abraham and Isaac had some vague idea about how a child would turn out the information was much more substantial as given to Zechariah not just about his son but about the Messiah both in today’s scripture and in Luke 1:8-17.
With some assumptions we can presume that was all Zechariah knew.  He probably didn’t know that his son would live in the desert until his ministry began.  He probably didn’t know that he and Elizabeth were not going to see these things come to fruition but due to their age he may have surmised.
Zechariah as you will recall was a priest and had to be very pleased indeed that he knew his son would “give his people the knowledge of salvation” as he was told by an angel of his son’s role and under inspiration here as we read today.
We also are priests and we cannot know how our children or our charges will for certain turn out but we know how the entire end turns out.  I feel strongly that a big part of our priestly role is to not only ourselves give people this knowledge of salvation but see that those upon whom we have an influence, especially our children, are doing so as well.
I myself have always told my kids that my goal was that they be better in their roles then I have been in mine.  They would be better children, better spouses, and better Christians.  I hope I get to see it happen but if it turns out for me as I suspect it did for Zechariah that I don’t get to see it fully happen I  can at least try and be as certain of it through my efforts that I can be.
What about you?  Whether you have children, grandchildren, students, neighbors and so on are you thinking about the impact they will have for the kingdom?
For Discussion:
1.      Discuss what you know about John from this entire chapter such as he was a Levite and so forth
2.      Discuss the enemies mentioned in this prophesy
3.      Discuss the fulfilled promises as mentioned in this prophesy
4.      Discuss serving God without fear
5.      Discuss what John would be doing that was different

Upcoming Lessons

12-15-13    Zechariah’s Prophesies About His Son, John Luke 1:57, 58, 67-79
12-22-13    Jesus is Born Luke 2:1-17
12-29-13    Jesus is Presented in the Temple Luke 2:21, 22, 25-38 or 2:25-38
1-5-14         Honoring the Sabbath, Luke 6:1-11

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Sunday, November 24, 2013

On 12-1-13, Luke 1:26-40 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as The Angel foretells Jesus’ Birth

The Angel foretells Jesus’ Birth
Luke 1:26-40
International Sunday School Lesson
December 1, 2013

Jed Greenough

Did you invite someone to Sunday school this week?  I hope that you did or that there is still time.  This week as we shift to the season of Christmas I think what a great time for someone as we see the announcement to Mary that she will be with child.  This is a great time for that person new to your class or to the Good News to begin anew as well.
You see, I think that for many this idea of a virgin birth is a stumbling block.  What could you do with this lesson as a teacher or as an active participant to help them see that it is all just a part of God’s plan and why it had to be this way and how for Him it is just like anything else He does?  Like we breathe, God creates.
Remember a few weeks back when we studied that scripture, where in a dream Jacob saw angels ascending and descending a staircase to heaven?  In my commentary I mentioned how I feel based on that and some of the things we see experienced in the Bible that the angels are a very busy bunch.
In your lesson maybe you could help a new person by showing them some of these instances.  I think I’d use the book of Daniel to show how active Gabriel was and don’t forget in this same book Michael’s activities.
Gabriel, of course we see then again, in today’s scripture.  As it begins it mentions the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy.  This Gabriel is a busy guy and I think that is a good place to talk about with your new person as you show how the scripture earlier in the chapter has Gabriel telling Zechariah that Elizabeth his wife would have a child and how he would prepare the way for the Lord.
Zechariah sings about this later in this same chapter and you can of course tie that in with the prophecy concerning him in …whew!  There’s too much and not enough time in this one lesson to share all you know!  But the excitement to do so is palpable isn’t it?  If it isn’t, well, you better find a replacement.
Here in this very lesson the young Mary stands in the presence of an angel.  I know there are times according to Hebrews 13:2 that we can be in their midst and not know it but there are other times when people just know and it is evidently awesome.  Zechariah and Daniel were terrified in this same Gabriel’s presence (Luke 1:12 and Daniel 8:17).
Quite the girl isn’t she?  Two men reduced to quivering and she is more concerned with what he has to tell her and what he said as we know is more than just significant.  Here we see the reverse of the famous old saying “From your lips to God’s ears.”  Here is, From God’s lips to your ears or as close as we can get as Gabriel was told this and he stands in God’s presence (Luke 1:19).
Mary certainly shows God knows who to pick and when to pick them as she clearly shows in the rest of the chapter that she understands exactly what the angel has told her, accepts the honor, and takes no glory in it for herself but glorifies God.
That is probably a pretty good spot to wrap it up for the new person as they have spent their life thinking mostly about themselves.  They need to see it isn’t about them and hopefully you will be able to plant enough in them to draw them back next week!
For Discussion:
1.      Read Isaiah 7
2.      Read Micah 5
3.      Matthew 1:18-23
4.      Discuss this fact that Mary understood what and who she would be carrying.
5.      I wouldn’t make it a part of my lesson but be prepared to discuss the genealogy of Mary.  As you know, Elizabeth and Zechariah, Mary’s relation would have to be Levite.
6.      Discuss why Jesus must be conceived in this manner.

Upcoming Lessons

12-1-13     The Angel Foretells Jesus’ Birth Luke 1:26-40
12-8-13     Mary Sings Her Praise or Mary’s Song of Praise Luke 1:46-56
12-15-13    Zacharias Prophesies About His Son, John Luke 1:57, 58, 67-79
12-22-13    Jesus is Born Luke 2:1-17
12-29-13    Jesus is Presented in the Temple Luke 2:21, 22, 25-38 or 2:25-38

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Monday, November 18, 2013

On 11-24-13, Exodus 40:16-30, 34, 38 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Beginning of the Tabernacle

Beginning of the Tabernacle
Exodus 40:16-30, 34, 38
International Sunday School Lesson
November 24, 2013

Jed Greenough

Moses did a really great job!  He “did everything just as the Lord commanded him.” Exodus 40:16 
I have many different favorite sayings, but one of those is, “words mean things.”  Specific things, you can’t just change the meaning of words or we couldn’t communicate if the meanings were constantly changing and God was very specific.
If we go back in Exodus to chapter 25 we can see the specifics for the ark, the table and the lampstand.  In chapter 26 the entire chapter shows the specifics for the tabernacle itself.  In 27 the altar of burnt offering, the courtyard and even the oil for the lampstand are described.  Chapter 28 shows the attire for the priests.  The book continues on and the details aren’t spared but just imagine the stress of missing just one of these tiny details as he replayed in his mind these words from God, “See that you make them according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.” Exodus 25:40 But Moses, as I said, did a really great job and got it right.
Go back and look at all these details and then close your eyes and visualize what it would have looked like for it is according to Hebrews 7: a copy or shadow of what is actually in heaven.  I think that is really cool.
When you read that after this was accomplished the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle I think that we should be impressed with the grace of God to do so, His desire to do so.  I don’t know why but I think it especially so when I consider what the real deal is like. 
This version was done with the best efforts and the best material and the best intentions but it was all done by men.  As great as it was I don’t believe a model can measure up to God on His throne, to cherubim and seraphs.  To the sounds and sights that we get an insight into when we read the visions given to those such as Isaiah and John.  Read Isaiah 6 and Revelation 4.
But this tabernacle and the temples that followed were all just temporary structures and the priests and sacrifices that fulfilled their duties just temporary as well with all pointing to the necessity for Christ. 
That statement in and of itself is an oversimplification but in this format and probably in your class it is what will have to suffice for those who will only scratch the surface by reading the few verses for today. 
For the rest, the experienced and the passionate, they will go back and read all those details for the tabernacle.  They will go forward and read of thousands of sacrifices such as 1 Chronicles 29 and of temples that replaced this structure.  They will read Hebrews chapters 1-10 that best ties the tabernacle, temples, sacrifices and Christ together.
This history is important to help us see how the Bible is the word of God, how all along God had a plan and how patient He has been to bring it all together.  It might help the skeptical willing to put in the time to see this big picture and it certainly is thrilling for those who are growing in their faith.  For the ones we want to turn and take Jesus as their Lord maybe not so much yet.
For them I think that it is sufficient to know at first that God wants them to have a means of conquering death that God did that by sending His son and how important the lessons in December are despite the business of the season as we begin our studies in Luke.  Encourage them to keep coming.
Hopefully they will see that this God who was so graceful in today’s lesson as to grace a man-made structure with His glory will show the penultimate measure of grace by providing us a means of salvation through His son.  Join me next week in Luke.

For Discussion:
1.       Go back and read the scriptures in bold.
2.       Discuss why you think it was important to God that Moses do everything just so.
3.       Discuss the materials used versus what we read about in the visions of the throne room found in the Bible.
4.       Discuss the events of Moses life up to and including now in a general sense.
5.       Discuss the glory of the Lord.
6.       Discuss upcoming lessons and encourage attendance all through December
7.       Invite someone to Sunday school!

Upcoming Lessons

12-1-13     The Angel Foretells Jesus’ Birth Luke 1:26-40
12-8-13     Mary Sings Her Praise or Mary’s Song of Praise Luke 1:46-56
12-15-13    Zacharias Prophesies About His Son, John Luke 1:57, 58, 67-79
12-22-13    Jesus is Born Luke 2:1-17

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Sunday, November 10, 2013

On 11-17-13, Exodus 14:13, 14, 21-30 or 14:21-30 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Beginning of Freedom

Beginning of Freedom
Exodus 14:13, 14, 21-30 or 14:21-30
International Sunday School Lesson
November 17, 2013

Jed Greenough

Some have entitled this week’s lesson as Beginning of Freedom.  I would ask the question, “does freedom come cheap?”  And I am sure you would answer that freedom generally comes at a great price.
In a sense it was a perceived freedom that Adam and Eve were trying to attain that resulted in their fall.  They thought they could make the right decision on their own and look at the price.
Consider wars for freedom.  Between the two world wars, 130 million people were thought to have died from the associated causes.  That number is so high that the price that was paid for freedom was clearly staggering.
In that case what freedom was achieved?  Freedom from persecution, freedom from oppression freedom from evil?  Certainly the answer is yes to all those but what all was good and what all was bad and what in the end was God’s will is fuzzy to us right now.
Again as we consider today’s scripture we see some are calling this lesson “The Beginning of Freedom” and yes with this freedom would come cost.  Why couldn’t the Israelites just march out of Egypt and be free?  Why did Pharaoh’s army have to pay the price?
God says in the non-included verse 4, “And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and he will pursue them.  But I will gain glory for myself through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord.”
Once the Israelites saw that they were being pursued they cried out in the non-included verses 11-12, “Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die?  What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt?  Didn’t we say to you in Egypt, ‘Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians’?  It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!”
For some of us Moses reply is included as he explained that the Lord would deliver and as you know He did. The army of Pharaoh paid the price for the Israelites’ freedom.  It is another one of those fuzzy things we can’t quite grasp when we consider the loss of life and when we consider the episodes that followed.
When water became scarce the people grumbled (15:22-24 and 17:1-3).  When food became scarce they grumbled (16:1-3).  In fact, according to Deuteronomy 8:7b Moses said the following to the Israelites, “From the day you left Egypt until you arrived here, you have been rebellious against the Lord.”  But they received their freedom anyway.  Thus is the nature of God.
The Israelites were certainly a perfect example for us doing little but still receiving their freedom and with it came great cost.  I know most of us have and some still shake their head in wonder at the behavior of the Israelites but let’s consider another people and another freedom achieved at great cost.  Those people are Christians.  I’m sure you already knew where I was going but the parallels are there.
Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice for our ultimate freedom from death.  What did we pay for that freedom?  Nothing.  Despite our unworthiness and “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” Romans 5:8.  What’s more we still grumble and rebel.
I hope that we consider that the next time we shake our head at the Israelites.

For Discussion:
1.       Find and discuss other scripture where God mentions the use of Pharaoh.
2.       Discuss verse 31.
3.       Read 15:1-21.
4.       Discuss what the experience must have been like for the Israelites.
5.       Discuss freedom.
6.       Discuss the costs of freedom.
7.       Discuss our being freed from death’s hold on us.

Upcoming Lessons

11-17-13    Beginning of Freedom Exodus 14:13, 14, 21-30 or 14:21-30
11-24-13    Beginning of the Tabernacle Exodus 40:16-30, 34, 38
12-1-13     The Angel Foretells Jesus’ Birth Luke 1:26-40
12-8-13     Mary Sings Her Praise or Mary’s Song of Praise Luke 1:46-56

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved