Daniel’s Vision of Change
Daniel 7:1-3, 9-14 or 7:9-14
International Sunday School Lesson
March 3, 2013
Jed Greenough
The next two of three week’s lessons could be a bit challenging for me and I may decide to take a week off for the first time in 3 years. But we will see where it goes!
Let me begin by saying that I have definite ideas about prophecy including those from Daniel having spent countless hours in study; having said that I will make it a point not to share those interpretations with you.
I find that teaching absolutes with regard to scriptures written in figurative language can be dangerous and is careless of those who teach.
The end times deal with the worst times that have ever been and for the Christian there are real dangers to be considered and for the non-Christian there are soul threatening dangers. If that is what were emphasized then the ability to be aware of the danger of being deceived that Christ warned of in Matthew 24 would be strengthened.
For me this week I want to concentrate on what we know with certainty. The first is what the scripture tells us about Daniel, “To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds.” Daniel 1:17 But, and you can underline that, though he was blessed so, he himself could not interpret the visions he was given concerning our scripture today nor that one we will look at in a couple weeks. Even the interpretations he sought and was given are written in a figurative manner.
Should we ignore them? Not at all, the essence of them is fleshed out by Jesus and Paul and Peter in that we know how things will be and the dangers involved and that is what is important. These are the last but most perilous times for mankind right before Christ returns.
The next thing that we know with certainty is that an image of God is seen here with a vision of His throne room such as we see similarly in Isaiah 6, Ezekiel 1 and Revelation.
Next we know that the “one like a son of man” can only be Jesus.
Finally we can be certain that whatever words we want to add whether we are correct in their interpretation or are just being puffed up like the horn of verse 11 that in the end He will reign forever and ever. That is what all who are waiting for Him can take heart in if they have to endure to the end. And it is what those who refuse Him will fear and mourn.
For Discussion:
1. Discuss the multiple thrones in sight in verse 9.
2. Discuss God being called Ancient of Days in verse 9.
3. Discuss the similarity of the other visions of the Throne Room from the Bible.
4. Discuss the title “son of man”.
5. Discuss “coming with the clouds of heaven”.
6. Discuss this idea of God on a throne.
7. Though not included today we see later in this chapter that Daniel was deeply troubled by what he saw. Discuss that fact.
Upcoming Adult Sunday School Class Commentaries
3-10-13: Daniel’s Prayer Daniel 9:4-14, 17 or 9:4b-14
3-17-13: Gabriel Interprets Daniel’s Vision aka Gabriel’s Interpretation Daniel 8:1, 15-26 or 8:19-26
3-24-13: The Lord’s Supper Luke 22:14-30
3-31-13: The Lord Lives aka The Lord Has Risen Indeed! Luke 24:13-21, 28-35
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved