Tuesday, March 31, 2015

On 4-5-15, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, 20-22 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Resurrection Guaranteed or Believe in the Resurrection

Resurrection Guaranteed or Believe in the Resurrection

1 Corinthians 15:1-11, 20-22

International Sunday School Lesson

April 5th, 2015




Jed Greenough

What is the gospel? That is the most important question you might ever be asked and yet MOST of us do not have a clear and concise answer to this most important question.

Could you answer after 40, 50 or even 60 years what your very first address or phone number was? No doubt. Think about why that is. Well, I guess I’ll just tell you. It was drilled into you by your parents and teachers. For example, I know my kids were taught by a song I made up that they can still sing today.

Goodness, our parents didn't want us getting lost and if we did, they wanted us to be able to tell authorities helping us where our home was.

Now what about the ultimate lost, the risk of lost souls? Why are we not drilling the answer to this question about what the gospel is into every Christian mind and then regularly refreshing that? I will let you answer that.

The scripture for today in verses 3 and 4 very clearly shows us this gospel message that Paul is talking about as he begins. You don't need to memorize these verses in telling someone about the gospel but rather adapt them.

Write some sentences out. Make them concise and natural to you and write them in more than one place in your Bible and review often.

In this way you will be able to readily, confidently and succinctly be able to tell those who ask why and how Christ died for their sins, was buried and resurrected on the third day.

Encourage those who are to proclaim this message from their called roles to never be fearful about concentrating on the message "of Christ and Him crucified".

And as it says in 1 Peter 3:15 in part, "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have"

For Discussion:

  1. If you have one, share your personal definition of the gospel
  2. Read 1 Peter 3:15-22
  3. Discuss "on which you have taken your stand" from verse 1
  4. Discuss verse 2
  5. Discuss how whoever gives this message, the message that saves, is the same
  6. Happy Easter!



Upcoming Lessons

4-12     Love One Another   1 John 3:11-24








Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Sunday, March 22, 2015

On 3-29-15, Mark 11:1-11 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as The Son of David or The One Who Comes

The Son of David


The One Who Comes


Mark 11:1-11

International Sunday School Lesson

March 29th, 2015




Jed Greenough


How many people will come to know Jesus for the first time this Easter season?  How many more of those Easters do you think there will be?  For some, they will not even see this one.

As I write this my mother is in the throes of advanced age and all that brings.  Three trips to the ER and two to skilled care in the last two months have brought on a quickening of dementia that has only brought glimpses of her now to me.

But yet something remains for which I am immeasurably happy.  In amongst the anger and nonsense are times when she comforts herself with prayer while being unaware that others are around her.  Frequent statements with names from the past are interrupted with repetitions of “come Lord Jesus, come Lord Jesus.”  She remembers He said He was coming back because He said He would.

When we read today’s scripture we see that Jesus told the disciples that they would find a colt tied in a certain place and He told them how to answer those who would question them.

Likewise Jesus told His disciples that they should “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.  Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”

Everything that Jesus said as we know either has or will come true.  The colt is tied and waiting, baptized believers saved and nonbelievers condemned.  Eventually my mom’s prayer will be answered.

When I read in today’s scripture that when Jesus entered Jerusalem He went into the temple and looked around, it was late and He left.  I knew that the very next day He would return and His righteous fury would be displayed.

Do you think about that Jesus as well or just the Jesus riding on the colt?  In the scene we aren’t reading about today but I mention, Jesus says in Mark 11 believe in your heart what you pray and it will be so.  My mom wants it so much this Easter season for Him to return quickly, do you?

I know that He is coming back and so do you.  When you think about Him riding in on the colt this week remember also Him looking around the temple and then abruptly departing, but then remember His return to the temple the very next day.

Be prepared and share the gospel like you believe He is coming back today.


For Discussion:

  1. Jesus told the disciples what to expect that day.  Discuss some things He told us to expect.
  2. Share the prophecy from the Old Testament with regard to Jesus riding a colt.
  3. Share the scripture from Revelation where instead of a colt Jesus is seen on a white horse. 
  4. Compare that scripture with today’s.
  5. Share the parallel scriptures to today’s.
  6. Discuss what you think Jesus was thinking as He rode in with the joyous crowd.
  7. Discuss what you think Jesus was thinking when He looked around the temple.
  8. Happy Easter!




Upcoming Lessons

4-5     Resurrection Guaranteed or Believe in the Resurrection   1 Corintians 15:1-11, 20-22








Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved




Sunday, March 15, 2015

On 3-22-15, John 20:19-23 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as The Spirit of Peace or Receive the Holy Spirit

The Spirit of Peace
Receive the Holy Spirit

John 20:19-23
International Sunday School Lesson
March 22nd, 2015

Jed Greenough

I suppose most of us have noticed in these 5 short verses for this week that Jesus said the following words not just once but twice, "Peace be with you!

If you look at the original Greek word here you will see that it is "eirene" which according to The Strongest NIV Exhaustive Concordance can be used to express: peace, harmony, tranquility; safety, welfare, health, often with an emphasis on lack of strife or reconciliation in a relationship, as when one has “peace with God". Often used as a verbal and written greeting.

Yet a week later, when once again Christ appeared to them, we are told that they were behind locked doors just as they were in today's scripture.  Again He uttered the same words, "Peace be with you!

Go back and read how the concordance uses this word "eirene". Could it be a greeting? Certainly, but I am confident He was bringing them calm despite their fear for their situation as His followers.

We know shortly as we progress in our Bibles that they became emboldened and calm despite their situation as they became filled with the Holy Spirit and shared the Good News building the early church.

Had they stayed in fear locked up only together behind locked doors this church, our church would have never happened.

I find it interesting that even though they saw Christ the first time it wasn't enough to totally allay these fears. As Christ says to Thomas in the non included words from 20:29, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

That statement alone is a blessing for those down through the centuries who have since come to believe. But it makes me wonder about Christians who are in perilous times themselves now or for the times yet to come.

Christians who were told about Christ's resurrection and about His death for their sins will they have peace when the moment of peril comes?

Many in our world today will face persecution as followers of Christ up to and including death. How do you just read the words from today's scripture and have the peace to stand? The answer is probably they won't if that is all they have.

Put yourself in these disciples place all those years ago. You have heard the murderous threats and you flock together for safety, at least as far as you feel it, by being together.

What must you do to not betray Christ? For us it is the full armament of God such as we read about in Ephesians 6 a short time back. We get it here each week as we prepare for Sunday School and that is a good start. There is a gospel we have received and we see that word "eirene" used again in Ephesians 6, it is the gospel of peace.

For Discussion:
1.      Discuss Christians in peril today
2.      Discuss a time when you received peace from God
3.      Discuss what these early disciples accomplished
4.      Discuss verse 23
5.      Discuss the similar incident that followed a week earlier
6.      Discuss today's Christians ability or lack thereof to face perilous times

Upcoming Lessons
3-29     The Son of David or The One Who Comes      Mark 11:1-11

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Sunday, March 8, 2015

On 3-15-15, John 16:4b-15 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as The Spirit of Truth

The Spirit of Truth

John 16:4b-15

International Sunday School Lesson

March 15th, 2015




Jed Greenough


How often do you pray for the words to say what you need to say? When it comes to teaching or preaching the answer is probably quite frequently.  What happens if you have a half hour to speak and yet what the Spirit gives you doesn’t measure up to the time allotted meaning you need to go much longer or much shorter.

Should it matter when what you are seeking is to accomplish God's will, and this, when successful, is via the Holy Spirit. This is what Jesus is talking about when He says, "It is for your good". And it is for the good of all who hear and believe.

When we teach, preach and witness we make known to others what has been made known to us by the Spirit and this according to Jesus comes directly from Him. Really this is no different than when Jesus said, "My teaching is not my own. It comes from the one who sent me." John 7:16

The way that I think it is a bit hard for my mind to wrap itself around all this but like all things of faith I have no problem just accepting it. What's more I believe the Father enables me to do just that as in John 6:65

But remembering how I started out, I must not worry about being too succinct about what can seem a very complex thing when today's scripture for me is simply this:

Jesus had to go to the Father so that the Advocate (Holy Spirit) could come. With the aid of the Spirit we can show those in the world that they are wrong about sin, righteousness and judgment. For those who do believe there will be everlasting life.

Share the gospel people!

For Discussion:

  1. Discuss the growth of the early church
  2. Discuss the not included first verses of this chapter and relate them to today
  3. Discuss exercising the Spirit
  4. Discuss how difficult it might have been for the disciples to understand it was for their good that He go away
  5. Discuss the words from verse 13, "and He will tell you what is to come".
  6. Discuss Jesus glorifying God and the Spirit glorifying Jesus


Upcoming Lessons

3-22     The Spirit of Peace      John 20:19-23







Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved


Monday, March 2, 2015

On 3-8-15, John 14:15-26 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Jesus Promises an Advocate or Another Comforter/Advocate

Jesus Promises an Advocate or Another Comforter/Advocate

 John 14:15-26

International Sunday School Lesson

March 8th, 2015





Jed Greenough


As a teacher or student in a class do you ever rely on what others in the class are going to do to help assure you have a good class?  I know I have and for the last several years I have also been relying on my computer to always be there and for 230 consecutive weeks for Sunday School it has been there but now alas it is time to rely on other measures to get this blog out as “old faithful” is failing me.

This got me thinking about those in classes around the world that we rely on.  As with everywhere in or lives there is always a low percentage of people who produce a large percentage of results. I’d like to see that change.  It has been almost 3 months since I last had a blog entry that centered on getting more people that attend your classes involved in the discussions.

For some followers of Christ speaking up takes a lot as they are intimidated by this so the more ideas we can put out there for conversation the more chances we can increase the numbers that are involved.

We would have pretty quiet classes if we didn't have those usual leaders of discussion but I have found these that are more quiet have very significant things to share when they are compelled to speak. So for students who need to speak up and for teachers who need to encourage them let’s see if this long list of ideas can’t bring more people around to contribute. 

For Discussion:

1.      How many names does the Holy Spirit have?

2.      How many ways is the Holy Spirit known?

3.      How do you think then of yourself while reading this and how does that change back and forth over time?

4.      Do you feel at times very strong with the Holy Spirit and other times not?

5.      If this changes discuss what you think happens.

6.      Jesus now had a very short time to left to share. Discuss why He chose to say what He did.

7.      Does your version of the Bible have the words "another comforter"? Discuss the significance of those words.

8.      Discuss that Jesus is leaving but the Comforter or Advocate will abide here forever.

9.      Discuss that this is only for believers.

10.  Discuss Jesus' meaning in verse 18.

11.  Discuss Jesus resurrection in regard to verse 19-20.

12.  Discuss keeping Christ's commands as mentioned in verse 15 and 21.

13.  Discuss verse 21's the meaning of both having and keeping commands.

14.  Discuss what Jesus meant by "manifest myself to him" or “show myself to him” as mentioned in 21.

15.  Discuss why the disciple in 22 would ask the very same question.

16.  Discuss people who pray to God but are not believers.

17.  What would you say to these people if you value their being saved?

18.  Discuss what to say to people who tell you they are religious but don't follow Jesus.

19.  Again what would you say to people like this?

20.  Discuss the necessity for loving Jesus to be loved by God.

21.  Discuss the difference, if any in verse 23 versus 15 and 21.

22.  And again in verse 24.

23.  Why is it important for Jesus to say these are not His words but Gods?

24.  What does Jesus mean by saying the Holy Ghost/Spirit is coming in His name?

25.  Discuss why it is important for this week to include verse 27 though it is not a part of the lesson.

26.  Discuss if the words of verse 26 apply to all believers.


Just like I have to figure out how to get this blog out for a while without a computer of my own, so to must we figure out how to engage others in the church.  For some this is not easy and sometimes we always rely on those who produce, but let me stress one very, very important fact, the fellowship of the Spirit is needed by us all.  Sunday school is the most likely place now that this is going to occur.

Make it your mission to develop the use of the gifts of the Spirit that you and others have been given by engaging others and by being engaged.


Upcoming Lessons

3-15     The Spirit of Truth     John 16:4b-15
3-22     The Spirit of Peace      John 20:19-23


If you know that your title or scripture is in some way different in the weeks ahead please contact me so that I can include these subtleties.




Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved