Sunday, August 25, 2013

On 9-1-13, Psalm 104:5-9, 24-30 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as God Creates

God Creates
Psalm 104:5-9, 24-30
International Sunday School Lesson
September 1, 2013

Jed Greenough

The last verse for today really sums up our place doesn’t it?  When He sends His Spirit and we are created He renews the face of the ground!
Depending on my mood or time in my life Psalm 104 can humble, frustrate or straighten me out but I always love how it honors Him.
God remains the only thing that is timeless and He created everything else.  Seems simple, but realizing this, admitting this, embracing this, can yes, again, humble or frustrate us due to our limited nature for the time being.  But like the kid whose natural pride in their parent allows them to unequivocally place the parent on a pedestal as invincible we can realize when we are ready that God in fact is.  I always rather figure that this is when we are ready to embrace that fear of God is in fact the beginning of wisdom.
Until we embrace that God is all powerful and that we don’t have any say concerning our creator’s designs we will be in constant turmoil even if we bury the idea deep within us.  This is why many who resist Him often aren’t willing to admit it until they face their own demise.
Of course coming to the realization even at the end of the journey results in the same receiving of His grace but there are those who never do.
Our job as Christians is to bring God glory and to use the breath He has given us to add to the numbers who likewise give Him glory.  In fact, it is as we should see in the scriptures, our responsibility.  The sooner we do so the sooner the fullness is reached the sooner Christ returns.
That’s pretty cool to say the least for such fleeting creatures that we currently are.

For Discussion:
1.      Have people give personal testimony or examples they are familiar with of refusing to put God in His position as Creator but eventually coming around.
2.      Discuss the comfort or fear or frustration you feel at being mortal.
3.      Discuss the feeling it gives you to think of God in a way that honors today’s scripture.
4.      Discuss the fear of God being the beginning of wisdom.
5.      Discuss our role in helping others realize their place in relation to God’s.
6.      Discuss how this scripture can help to give a person who fears dying peace.

Upcoming Lessons:
9-1-13     God Creates Psalm 104:5-9, 24-30
9-8-13     God’s Image: Male and Female Genesis 2:18-25
9-15-13    Knowledge of Good and Evil Genesis 3:8b-17 or 3:8-17, 21, 23
9-22-13    An Everlasting Covenant Genesis 9:8-17 or 9:1, 3-6, 8-17
9-29-13    God Scatters the Nations Genesis 11:1-9

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Monday, August 19, 2013

On 8-25-13, Nehemiah 13:10-12, 15-22 or 13:15-22 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Sabbath Reform

Sabbath Reform
Nehemiah 13:10-12, 15-22 or 13:15-22
International Sunday School Lesson
August 25, 2013

Jed Greenough

We are all guilty of slacking off just like the Levites in today’s scripture had become slack.  I am guilty of it today and in general lately.  I am finding that I am being less productive in getting my commentaries done and so here it is a Monday 24 hours behind where I should be.
I really have a hard time splitting my time between the things that I am passionate about including this.  For me it is a feast or famine situation and I pray about it often.  I pray that I can find a balance I am content concerning the things that pay me and then with this offering of comments that I hope further the Kingdom and bring glory to God and not neglect either.
While Nehemiah had been gone he had found that the Levites were back in their own fields and the house of God being neglected.  Have we created this situation in our churches today?  I offer that we have.
Those that make their living in the word are often not taken care of well enough and so they have to work at other things neglecting what they were called to be about.  Other scenarios range from volunteers who do the work that others fail to do even though they have received the gift of the Spirit to do just that.  One therefore is double tasked and the other neglects the gift.
Nehemiah gives a great example when he returned and discovered the situation so dire that even the Sabbath wasn’t being observed so he took charge.  He could confidently say to God, “Remember me for this, my God, and do not blot out what I have so faithfully done for the house of my God and its services”  Nehemiah 13:14 
Wow!  Who among us can be so confident?  It would certainly be something if even a significant percentage could be consistently.  When I think of this situation however I am most inclined to think of those that are in charge, those who have been chosen to shepherd the flock, our elders. 
The elders of our churches have been chosen to make sure that all facets of the church are not neglected.  It is a heavy responsibility but one which they have taken on and one for which they are accountable. 
If they take the role seriously the neglect that is apparent should be minimal and the appropriate remedies taken to resolve the situation just as Nehemiah did.  My prayer is that they will confidently be able to say, “Remember me for this, my God, and do not blot out what I have so faithfully done for the house of my God and its services.”
As for those of us who are not elders, we are still all given to be a kingdom of priests, a royal priesthood. 1 Peter 2:9  Like the Levites that went back to their own fields and neglected the house of God in their capacity we can take a cue from Nehemiah.  We can come back to our responsibilities that the Holy Spirit has blessed us to be able to perform before we are called back by someone or before it’s too late.
I think most of us, me included, need to find the balance that brings the glory to God.

For Discussion:
1.      Read all of Nehemiah 13 to see the passion displayed by Nehemiah and discuss our passion for the work of the Kingdom.
2.      Discuss taking care of those who work in God’s word for you such as your Pastors and teachers.
3.      Discuss the situation where those just mentioned above must seek other means to support themselves both when they haven’t enough and when they should have enough but work elsewhere anyway.
4.      Discuss how things can be changed.
5.      Discuss finding the balance.
6.      Share success and failure examples in finding this balance.

Upcoming Lessons

9-1-13     God Creates Psalm 104:5-9, 24-30
9-8-13     God’s Image: Male and Female  Genesis 2:18-25

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Sunday, August 11, 2013

On 8-18-13, Nehemiah 12:27-38, 43 or 12:27-36, 38, 43 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Dedication of the Wall

Dedication of the Wall
Nehemiah 12:27-38, 43 or 12:27-36, 38, 43
International Sunday School Lesson
August 18, 2013

Jed Greenough

Some scripture when you read it brings to mind startling imagery in the mind’s eye.  For me at least today’s scripture does just that.  When I read it my mouth may have literally opened in astonishment!  I didn’t have any trouble visualizing these men high atop the giant temple wall.  I didn’t have any trouble imagining the joyous celebration as I could almost hear the instruments and voices.
I thought though, why atop the wall?  For affect?  I didn’t think so.  For everything we read all involved were not thinking about themselves but making it about God.
When I considered that, I was reminded of how last week we had them as an example and probably as was meant to be their example still continues.  And again it got me to thinking about what we do today.
When we read today’s scripture we see that they mention prescribed instruments.  Does that mean that we shouldn’t use other instrument?  I don’t believe so.  Nor do I belive that we must march atop a wall literally because they did.
What I do think though is in our church celebrations we need to stop!  Stop and evaluate.  If under examination we can honestly say in the affirmative that all involved are not atop figurative walls for reasons of grandstanding, for reasons of selfishness and pride.  Just like the fact that not all should be leading us through preaching and teaching not all can or should be leading or participating in musical worship.
Some may say, “Oh, come on, he’s taking this too far!”  I would say God is consistent in being a God of order and the Bible is consistent in showing that everything is to bring glory to God and not to ourselves.
Therefore, all of our celebrations must be examined to make sure that what is really involved is 100 percent bringing glory to God.  Not to the players and not to recipients.  If it isn’t you know what needs to happen.

For Discussion:
1.      Let’s be honest.  In church in Christian concert there are those involved who have become prideful who are making it about themselves even if it’s just a little—even listeners.  Discuss
2.      If you agree or not, discuss why even those who are involved in celebrations must be chosen.
3.      If you agree and feel that some who participate and receive have let pride or not making it all about bringing glory to God than discuss it.
4.      Discuss what can be done to change the situation.
5.      Discuss not just church but other Christian celebrations.
6.      Wouldn’t it be great to find an image or images of today’s scripture.
Upcoming Lessons:
8-18-13:  Dedication of the Wall Nehemiah 12:27-38, 43 or 12:27-36, 38, 43
8-25-13:  Sabbath Reforms Nehemiah 13:10-12, 15-22

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Sunday, August 4, 2013

On 8-11-13, Nehemiah 9:2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 30-36 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Community of Confession

Community of Confession
Nehemiah 9:2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 30-36
International Sunday School Lesson
August 11, 2013

Jed Greenough

How often do you think about those who have gone before you?  I think we obviously consider a great deal concerning those in the Bible who preceded us just as we are doing today in Nehemiah.  They are after all serving as examples for us as we are told in 1 Corinthians 10.  The other kind of example we are instructed in is to be like Paul as he followed the example of Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1).  So we are instructed how to be, what to do and what not to do.  It is a pretty good system if we care to follow what we are told.
This week we can use Israel’s example by considering our own people’s history whoever that might be.  Though the vast majority who visit this blog are American’s there are many other countries represented in our number who are studying the very same thing week after week.  Therefore, rather than separate by nationality let us consider ourselves as one as we consider those who preceded us in the church.
We have the distant past and we have the recent past along with our present.  As we consider all these points in the church history where do you consider us to be if we compare ourselves to Israel of the Bible?  Put us in their timeline.
Our current position is not one of being in the beginning because ours is 2000 years old.  Since that time we have seen the church grow in numbers and spread even as it is doing now in parts of the world.  But in other parts of the world where the church was strongest it has become weak and fallen away.  At some point like Israel, parts of the church became like the people of Israel, as we can read in non-included verses of Nehemiah 9, becoming arrogant and stiff necked.
Unlike our examples, we were also given Christ and we see the ultimate fulfillment in Him but we know that first that unlike Israel in today’s example there will come a time when those who are arrogant will stay arrogant (Revelation 16 and of course several others).
In my opinion it would seem for us, the church, there needs to be a repenting for our arrogance.  Sure we need to be like Israel and consider past history because we know the error of those who don’t remember the failures of the past are destined to repeat them.  But… we need to remember the success of the past and live it and consider what we know of the future so that we do not live that!
For Discussion:
1.      Discuss how we can use Israel as an example
2.      Discuss the process Israel went through in their confession of sin from the scripture found in Nehemiah 8-10
3.      Read Daniel 9
4.      Discuss the numbers of those you think are involved in this act of repentance and compare it to what you feel would be required of the church today
5.      Discuss those who preceded you in your church
6.      Discuss those who preceded you in your faith
Upcoming Lessons:
8-11-13:  Community of Confession Nehemiah 9:2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 30-36
8-18-13:  Dedication of the Wall Nehemiah 12:27-38, 43 or 12:27-36, 38, 43
8-25-13:  Sabbath Reforms Nehemiah 13:10-12, 15-22

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved