God Creates
Psalm 104:5-9, 24-30
International Sunday School Lesson
September 1, 2013
Jed Greenough
The last verse for today really sums up our place doesn’t it? When He sends His Spirit and we are created He renews the face of the ground!
Depending on my mood or time in my life Psalm 104 can humble, frustrate or straighten me out but I always love how it honors Him.
God remains the only thing that is timeless and He created everything else. Seems simple, but realizing this, admitting this, embracing this, can yes, again, humble or frustrate us due to our limited nature for the time being. But like the kid whose natural pride in their parent allows them to unequivocally place the parent on a pedestal as invincible we can realize when we are ready that God in fact is. I always rather figure that this is when we are ready to embrace that fear of God is in fact the beginning of wisdom.
Until we embrace that God is all powerful and that we don’t have any say concerning our creator’s designs we will be in constant turmoil even if we bury the idea deep within us. This is why many who resist Him often aren’t willing to admit it until they face their own demise.
Of course coming to the realization even at the end of the journey results in the same receiving of His grace but there are those who never do.
Our job as Christians is to bring God glory and to use the breath He has given us to add to the numbers who likewise give Him glory. In fact, it is as we should see in the scriptures, our responsibility. The sooner we do so the sooner the fullness is reached the sooner Christ returns.
That’s pretty cool to say the least for such fleeting creatures that we currently are.
For Discussion:
1. Have people give personal testimony or examples they are familiar with of refusing to put God in His position as Creator but eventually coming around.
2. Discuss the comfort or fear or frustration you feel at being mortal.
3. Discuss the feeling it gives you to think of God in a way that honors today’s scripture.
4. Discuss the fear of God being the beginning of wisdom.
5. Discuss our role in helping others realize their place in relation to God’s.
6. Discuss how this scripture can help to give a person who fears dying peace.
Upcoming Lessons:
9-1-13 God Creates Psalm 104:5-9, 24-30
9-8-13 God’s Image: Male and Female Genesis 2:18-25
9-15-13 Knowledge of Good and Evil Genesis 3:8b-17 or 3:8-17, 21, 23
9-22-13 An Everlasting Covenant Genesis 9:8-17 or 9:1, 3-6, 8-17
9-29-13 God Scatters the Nations Genesis 11:1-9
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved