Monday, August 19, 2013

On 8-25-13, Nehemiah 13:10-12, 15-22 or 13:15-22 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Sabbath Reform

Sabbath Reform
Nehemiah 13:10-12, 15-22 or 13:15-22
International Sunday School Lesson
August 25, 2013

Jed Greenough

We are all guilty of slacking off just like the Levites in today’s scripture had become slack.  I am guilty of it today and in general lately.  I am finding that I am being less productive in getting my commentaries done and so here it is a Monday 24 hours behind where I should be.
I really have a hard time splitting my time between the things that I am passionate about including this.  For me it is a feast or famine situation and I pray about it often.  I pray that I can find a balance I am content concerning the things that pay me and then with this offering of comments that I hope further the Kingdom and bring glory to God and not neglect either.
While Nehemiah had been gone he had found that the Levites were back in their own fields and the house of God being neglected.  Have we created this situation in our churches today?  I offer that we have.
Those that make their living in the word are often not taken care of well enough and so they have to work at other things neglecting what they were called to be about.  Other scenarios range from volunteers who do the work that others fail to do even though they have received the gift of the Spirit to do just that.  One therefore is double tasked and the other neglects the gift.
Nehemiah gives a great example when he returned and discovered the situation so dire that even the Sabbath wasn’t being observed so he took charge.  He could confidently say to God, “Remember me for this, my God, and do not blot out what I have so faithfully done for the house of my God and its services”  Nehemiah 13:14 
Wow!  Who among us can be so confident?  It would certainly be something if even a significant percentage could be consistently.  When I think of this situation however I am most inclined to think of those that are in charge, those who have been chosen to shepherd the flock, our elders. 
The elders of our churches have been chosen to make sure that all facets of the church are not neglected.  It is a heavy responsibility but one which they have taken on and one for which they are accountable. 
If they take the role seriously the neglect that is apparent should be minimal and the appropriate remedies taken to resolve the situation just as Nehemiah did.  My prayer is that they will confidently be able to say, “Remember me for this, my God, and do not blot out what I have so faithfully done for the house of my God and its services.”
As for those of us who are not elders, we are still all given to be a kingdom of priests, a royal priesthood. 1 Peter 2:9  Like the Levites that went back to their own fields and neglected the house of God in their capacity we can take a cue from Nehemiah.  We can come back to our responsibilities that the Holy Spirit has blessed us to be able to perform before we are called back by someone or before it’s too late.
I think most of us, me included, need to find the balance that brings the glory to God.

For Discussion:
1.      Read all of Nehemiah 13 to see the passion displayed by Nehemiah and discuss our passion for the work of the Kingdom.
2.      Discuss taking care of those who work in God’s word for you such as your Pastors and teachers.
3.      Discuss the situation where those just mentioned above must seek other means to support themselves both when they haven’t enough and when they should have enough but work elsewhere anyway.
4.      Discuss how things can be changed.
5.      Discuss finding the balance.
6.      Share success and failure examples in finding this balance.

Upcoming Lessons

9-1-13     God Creates Psalm 104:5-9, 24-30
9-8-13     God’s Image: Male and Female  Genesis 2:18-25

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved


  1. I am an Adult Sunday School teacher. I'd like to commend you for being as diligent as you are in posting the commentary each week. It is one of the many resources I use in preparing each week, in which I am responsible for teaching. In my opinion, you are doing a fine job! We are usually most critical of ourselves and I'd simply like to encourage you to continue to do the great work you are doing my brother!


  2. I want to thank you and not just for the encouragement but for your teaching. Being the front person to make sure that God and His word remain in the front of your student's lives is more critical now then ever. Thanks!
