Sunday, April 13, 2014

On 4-20-14, Hosea 6:1-3, Luke 24:1-12 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as The Third Day

The Third Day
Hosea 6:1-3, Luke 24:1-12
International Sunday School Lesson
April 20, 2014

Jed Greenough

Good luck this week folks!
I mean it.  This week is a tough one to draw Hosea and Luke together.  For me it would really be a stretch.  Is it for you?
In my opinion to say that the three days being referred to in Hosea as being about the resurrection of Jesus would be the stretch.  In Hosea we are reading of an Israel that needed to turn or indeed return to God.
What I would do is concentrate on the Luke scripture where Christ is raised on the third day.  That is what all of us are doing this Easter weekend.  Like Israel mentioned in Hosea 6 will be saved if they turn to God so will all who believe in Jesus and turned to Him for forgiveness.
Jesus Himself though He told His followers while He was with them that He would arise on the third day the story of the resurrection as accounted by the women was doubted.
We know that they treated the words according to today’s scripture as “nonsense”.  What a feeling that most have created in the women!  Peter at least was intrigued or excited enough to literally run to see what had happened at Jesus tomb.  But after he left the scene himself he wondered what had actually occurred there.
For me this always gets me thinking about the sharing and the believing of the gospel message.
The women saw angels, yes, but they excitedly believed and they enthusiastically wanted to share the good news.  Do we show such enthusiasm?
After hearing some may have treated them with derision or at least skepticism.  Have you dared to expose yourself to such treatment?
A few react like Peter and want to know more.  He would discover the truth soon enough but what a great example of how we need to follow up to strike while the iron is hot as it were with those who share some interest in our message.  How are we doing in our churches to be readily there to follow up with the interested?
The hardest part is getting the message to people if we expect to just deliver it in the confines of the church.  Studies show they usually only come through the door is they come with someone.  We must literally bring them through our doors or we must bring the message to them.
But what happens next is just as important, that they hear the gospel message about salvation and the follow through.  People who do have an interest, who are enabled by the Father need to feel as comfortable as they did in coming through the door to find out more.
Yes, the message is sometimes met with derision as the women’s message was but they no doubt felt self-satisfied when they were proved true.  Let’s dare to have the same experience.  Share the message! Everyone deserves to be as the Israel in Hosea 3 to repent and be restored.

For Discussion:
1.      Discuss why you did or did not invite someone to church this week especially!
2.      Discuss why it is hard for someone to visit a church.
3.      Discuss why it is hard for some to invite people to join them at church.
4.      Discuss the reaction of the women.
5.      Discuss the reaction of those they told.
6.      Discuss the reaction of people today when they hear.
7.      Happy Easter, I hope you actually had Sunday School this week!
Upcoming Lessons
4-20-14         The Third Day, Hosea 6:1-3, Luke 24:1-12
4-27-14         From Suffering to Glory, Isaiah 53:3-8, Luke 24:25-27, 44-47 or Isaiah 53:5-8a; Luke 24:25-27
5-4-14            Jesus Resists Temptation, Deuteronomy 6:13-16; Matthew 4:1-11 or Deuteronomy 6:13-16; Matthew 4:4-11
5-11-14          Jesus’ Mission on Earth, Isaiah 61:1-3; Luke 4:14-21 or Luke 4:14-21
5-18-14          Jesus’ Teaching on the Law, Matthew 15:1-11, 15-20
5-25-14          The Greatest Commandment, Leviticus 19:18; Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Mark 12:28-34

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

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