Monday, August 11, 2014

On 8-17-14, 2 Corinthians 4:1-15 or 4:1-18 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Treasure in Earthen Vessels or Treasure in Clay Pots

Treasure in Earthen Vessels
Treasure in Clay Pots
 2 Corinthians 4:1-15 or 4:1-18
International Sunday School Lesson
August 17, 2014

Jed Greenough

The elegance and eloquence of Paul’s words in chapters such as today’s 2 Corinthians 4 prove to me that without a doubt these are God’s words.  Somewhere in this one chapter God can be speaking to each one of us as individuals even though we are in a sense studying them together all over the world.
For me, for now, it might be in verses 1, 16-18 more than the rest of the chapter.  For you, if you are a teacher it might be the reminder in verse 2 to not distort His word because you think you need to keep things interesting.  For another it might be verses 3-4 as to why some can hear or read the same words and just not get it.
For some these words are troubling and God knowing that has Paul explain to believers a reminder in verses 5-6 that they are not rejecting mere words or the servants delivering them but rejecting Christ!
If Paul, referring to himself really in verse 7, was a jar of clay containing this great treasure of the gospel message, how much more are we?
The verses that follow through to the end of the chapter really explain a lot without going into details what Paul endured.  Do we appreciate what he gave and is giving to us yet?  I think more often than not we read the eloquence of the words and pick out what speaks to us and move on.  As we know that is part of what Paul and God wanted and why they were written (it says so in verse 15) but now would be a good time to thank God for what Paul endured for the sake of the gospel.
Paul is gone but his example remains as to the effort that the gospel deserves.

For Discussion:
1.      Discuss what verses most speak to you today from our chapter.
2.      Discuss the example Paul gave.
3.      Discuss the encouragement to be received from these verses.
4.      Discuss distorting God’s word.
5.      Discuss verses 3-4.
6.      Discuss what it means to “preach ourselves” as referenced in verse 5.
7.      Read this chapter again, slowly, with emphasis, out loud.

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved


  1. I was sad to hear that you might be discontinuing this blog. As a Sunday School teacher, I am enlighten by your every comment and always I'm able to broaden my understanding of the scripture. yes you are reaching people; but, we pray that God's Will will guide your decision. Thank you for your words of wisdom and your dedicated work in the gospel of Christ.
    Ann Leak

  2. Ann,
    When I wrote that I had pretty much decided I was done but the scripture for this week AND the 5 out of 2600 who come through this blog weekly who contacted me with encouragement have caused me to put it off for now.

    I had hoped that more would take the time to respond but if the five and now six with you are likewise making a difference that should be enough.

    So if it is God's will I will do the best I can to continue for now. It may not reach as many people as there are variances in titles and scriptures that are hard to come by anymore. So when people search the Internet I might not be found. But I may just have to settle for what I can do.

    In any case I think our time is quickly running down.

    I want to thank you for your words and for teaching.


  3. I just found this site and added it to my favorites!

  4. Your commentary enriches and greatly enhances my understanding of the lesson and how the scripture lesson applies to us today. I teach adults and use a number of resources. Yours is always inspiring. Thank you!

    1. You inspire as well, thanks for your comments, have a great class and thanks for teaching! Blessings, Jed

  5. Just found your site. I will be reading it
