Monday, January 26, 2015

On 2-1-15, Daniel 1:5, 8-17; Matthew 6:16-18 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Feasting and Fasting

Feasting and Fasting

Daniel 1:5, 8-17; Matthew 6:16-18

International Sunday School Lesson

February 1, 2015






Jed Greenough


I am sure no poker player or any cards for that matter but I am familiar with the expression “dealing with the hand you’ve been dealt” and sometimes I feel that way with the scriptures that are chosen.  This week I felt just like that and I struggled almost to the very end with tying these scriptures together.

But then that expression came into my mind and I realized that is exactly what Daniel did, he dealt with what was given to him.  What’s more, Daniel did it in a way that pleased God and not man.

Daniel could have chosen to please the king or the king’s representative but he followed what had been prescribed for his people in Leviticus 11.  He had to know what happens when you don’t please the king or he soon would (Daniel 2).

What Daniel did though was acknowledge God.  In a way he worshiped Him in the way that God wants to be worshiped and that is in Spirit and truth.  Some could go through the motions just as many do today and just merely been following the diet.  That is how I read Daniel 1 in that some of the Jews who would have followed God’s rules chose to take the royal food but Daniel and his friends lived what they professed.

Now this is where these two sets of scripture come together for me, the living out of your faith or worshiping in Spirit and truth.  Not doing as hypocrites do as mentioned in today’s verse 19.  Similarly Matthew 6 shows it again in 6:1-4 when Christ talks of our giving.

Sometimes it is hard to come up with how to tie scriptures together but in the end its better as we end up spending more time in God’s word.  In the end we always see that this is God’s word and that as always He is consistent.


For Discussion:

  1. Find other examples where we see the private nature of worshiping God such as giving, fasting and one I was going to include above, praying which is also discussed in Matthew 6.
  2. Compare the examples given in Matthew 6 and those of praying in private such as found in MT 14, MK 6, LK 9 and JN 6 to how other religions practice their faith.
  3. If God wants us to be like this concerning praying, fasting and giving and He is consistent in what other ways might want us to live this out?  Discuss
  4. How might we in the not too distant future have to take risks as Daniel did?
  5. Discuss the ways that the king’s food would have been unclean to a Jew.
  6. Discuss Daniel’s bargaining with the guard.
  7. Discuss peoples motives for following God’s word or in giving, praying and fasting.


Upcoming Lessons

2-8-15     Serving Neighbors, Serving God     Luke 10:25-34 or 10:25-37

2-15-15    Serving the Least     Matthew 25:31-46

2-22-15    Clothed and Ready     Ephesians 6:10-20







Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved





Monday, January 19, 2015

On 1-25-15, James 5:13-18 or James 5 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Powerful Prayer or We Prayer for One Another

Powerful Prayer or We Pray for One Another
James 5:13-18 or James 5
International Sunday School Lesson
January 25, 2015

Jed Greenough

As a teacher or a student who actively participates you are always in search of that tidbit you hadn’t thought about or that new way to share a familiar scripture.  Some might be looking at 6 verses this week and others the whole chapter.  Coming up with those ideas is obviously harder for the former than the latter.

I’d bet that when we pray before we seek we will come up with those tidbits or new ideas. Further I’d wager you’ve found no matter the number of verses the ways we share when we come together are still diverse.

For me this week in James 5 what I would bring to class is how we need to do more for each other through out the life of our Christian walk.

Most of us, while we might not be rich in the ways that many might label the rich, realize that they do have a roof, a car, many pairs of shoes and clothes and excess pounds.  There is a pantry, many pots and pans and often food that gets wasted.  There are 401k’s, savings accounts, jars with change and forgotten dollar bills in jackets.  What that means is that we are in fact rich.

Most of us will not have workers and harvesters per say in the literal sense as mentioned in verse 4 but we all have them figuratively in each other.  By all I include the churches not just its members when we cast the net of saying there is neglect.  Jesus said, “give to everyone who asks you…” Luke 6:30a  How are we doing as churches when we limit our giving to 2 church camps, 1 college and 3 missionaries?  What about the struggling churches, missionaries and ministries some that we even take advantage of in some capacity?  Instead we add an addition, buy publications, new iPads, and carpet and so on, again INSTEAD.   Oh, but be sure everyone puts as much as they can into the plate on Sunday.

The neglect is not just in the sharing of our wealth monetarily there are other ways that we can be motivated by today’s James 5 to not neglect.  In many of our places of worship neglect extends to our prayer and prayer has been our background theme for weeks now so I hope this aspect of today’s scripture will leap out.

Do you have the structure where you worship for the individual to freely pray when they are in trouble or happy as mentioned in verse 13?  How about feeling like they can burst into a song of praise or ask that the elders pray for them in their sickness?  Will you elders come together in your role for this individual or is it passing consideration at best?

There is much in this chapter, and tidbits to share, no longer appears to be an appropriate word.  It doesn’t fit when we have so much to do for each other that we currently neglect.

For Discussion

1.      Discuss ways that you are wealthy.
2.      Discuss ways that you could give more.
3.      Discuss church choices in how they use what they have.
4.      Discuss how members of congregations, not just classes could more freely pray.
5.      Discuss ways that people could begin to come to their elders.
6.      Discuss ways that elders could take this role more seriously.
7.      Discuss how we will have to answer for the use of our wealth, our worship practices and our responsibility to each other from congregant to elder.
8.      Discuss how your class could take a leadership role with regard to your church in seeing these ideas implemented.

Upcoming Lessons

2-1-15     Feasting and Fasting     Daniel 1:5, 8-17; Matthew 6:16-18

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Monday, January 12, 2015

On 1-18-15, Hebrews 4:14-5:10 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Jesus’ Intercession for Us

Jesus’ Intercession for Us

Hebrews 4:14-5:10

International Sunday School Lesson

January 18, 2015






Jed Greenough



Have you ever seen someone burn out in a job or a relationship?  They no longer have the fresh outlook, the excitement, the energy or motivation.  Maybe you have experienced this first hand as that person.

Last week when I wrote in the For Discussion section to read and discuss verse 8, I had this in mind.  Verse 8 from John 17 reads, “For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them.  They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me.”

I said, “How are we doing with regard to that today in our roles?”  And by that I mean the roles of teachers and preachers.  Is the gospel message old to them?  Are they looking for new things to teach and preach because they think they need to in order to stay fresh?

Most people don’t have the option to move on once the spark is gone they just put their nose to the grindstone and go about their workaday life.  In most cases this isn’t dangerous to others, but even if it were, nothing of this world compares to the danger of losing everlasting life.

In this book of Hebrews we are in today Paul is making the case for Christ to, as we understand it, Jewish converts.  He talked of Christ’s superiority to angels, why it was imperative they not drift away from what they had come to believe.  Paul explained why Christ was greater than Moses and in today’s scripture why He was greater than the priests of the temple that they were familiar with. 

Most of the time we remember that we are not infallible as Christ was and is but we seem to forget it by what we teach and preach by departing from the simple but effective message He left us.

For Discussion

  1. I have experienced this burn out in different ways have you?  If so discuss.
  2. Read more about Melchizedek in Genesis 14 and Hebrews 6:20-7:17
  3. Many feel that this Melchizedek was what they call a prefiguration of Christ.  Discuss
  4. Discuss how verses 14-16 from today can encourage us.
  5. Discuss verse 7.
  6. Discuss verse 8-9.
  7. Discuss teachers and preachers.


Upcoming Lessons

1-25-15     Powerful Prayer or We Prayer for One Another     James 5:13-18 or James 5    






Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved



Monday, January 5, 2015

On 1-11-15, John 17:6-21 or 17:1-26 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Jesus’ Prayer for His Disciples

Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples

John 17:6-21 or 17:1-26

International Sunday School Lesson

January 11, 2015






Jed Greenough



This week I know that some of us will be looking at fewer verses while others will be considering all of chapter 17.  I will be frank in saying that in some ways I’d rather do the former.  I have always had the same thing come in to my mind at some point when I read John 17 no matter what version I use—there are too many words.  To me it reads like a first draft that didn’t get proof read in a sense so that it is hard for me to understand. 

I do not say this to be disrespectful but rather to be helpful to you by saying “out loud” what you might also be thinking!  I can attest that this can get in the way of what Jesus was saying in this prayer so I’m hoping if we can admit that we can see past it and accept overall what Jesus prayed.

Time and its significance with regard to Jesus’ life are stressed in the book of John.  If that doesn’t ring a bell for you, you will have to go back and read the book or use a concordance that matches your version of the Bible.  It isn’t as easy to do electronically as it once was if you use the NIV since the folks that own it have removed the previous version that you may own.

If your Bible says in verse 1, “the time has come” you will have only a partial idea by looking for “time” in the book of John electronically.  Exchange the word for “hour” and you will start to see the picture of how important it was then when Jesus prayed to God and spoke the words, “the time has come.”

What we then read is Jesus’ longest prayer in the Bible and the quantity of the words start to be understandable, there would be precious few left to record and precious few moments in which to do that.

In this prayer Jesus prays for the successful completion of what He was sent to do.  He shows that He had accomplished His bringing of the good news and He prayed for those who had accepted it and for those of us who would in the future.  The significance of that clear fact should be tantamount as we consider His prayer.

This I can gather in my head but so much more I cannot fathom and I think that is okay to admit  as I consider what Jesus’ had passing through His mind. 

For Discussion:

  1. Discuss the significance in your mind of the words, “the time has come”.
  2. Discuss how Jesus glorifies God by being glorified.
  3. Discuss verse 3.
  4. Discuss verse 8 and how we are doing with regard to that today in our roles.  This may make more sense next week.
  5. Compare verse 4 and 10.
  6. Discuss verse 11and 12.
  7. If you read verse 14-17 what affect should this have on how we preach and teach?
  8. Discuss the unity that Jesus mentions in verses 20-23.
  9. Discuss verse 24.


Upcoming Lessons

1-18-15     Jesus’ Intercession for Us     Hebrews 4:14-5:10

1-25-15     Powerful Prayer or We Prayer for One Another     James 5:13-18 or James 5    






Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved