Monday, January 26, 2015

On 2-1-15, Daniel 1:5, 8-17; Matthew 6:16-18 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Feasting and Fasting

Feasting and Fasting

Daniel 1:5, 8-17; Matthew 6:16-18

International Sunday School Lesson

February 1, 2015






Jed Greenough


I am sure no poker player or any cards for that matter but I am familiar with the expression “dealing with the hand you’ve been dealt” and sometimes I feel that way with the scriptures that are chosen.  This week I felt just like that and I struggled almost to the very end with tying these scriptures together.

But then that expression came into my mind and I realized that is exactly what Daniel did, he dealt with what was given to him.  What’s more, Daniel did it in a way that pleased God and not man.

Daniel could have chosen to please the king or the king’s representative but he followed what had been prescribed for his people in Leviticus 11.  He had to know what happens when you don’t please the king or he soon would (Daniel 2).

What Daniel did though was acknowledge God.  In a way he worshiped Him in the way that God wants to be worshiped and that is in Spirit and truth.  Some could go through the motions just as many do today and just merely been following the diet.  That is how I read Daniel 1 in that some of the Jews who would have followed God’s rules chose to take the royal food but Daniel and his friends lived what they professed.

Now this is where these two sets of scripture come together for me, the living out of your faith or worshiping in Spirit and truth.  Not doing as hypocrites do as mentioned in today’s verse 19.  Similarly Matthew 6 shows it again in 6:1-4 when Christ talks of our giving.

Sometimes it is hard to come up with how to tie scriptures together but in the end its better as we end up spending more time in God’s word.  In the end we always see that this is God’s word and that as always He is consistent.


For Discussion:

  1. Find other examples where we see the private nature of worshiping God such as giving, fasting and one I was going to include above, praying which is also discussed in Matthew 6.
  2. Compare the examples given in Matthew 6 and those of praying in private such as found in MT 14, MK 6, LK 9 and JN 6 to how other religions practice their faith.
  3. If God wants us to be like this concerning praying, fasting and giving and He is consistent in what other ways might want us to live this out?  Discuss
  4. How might we in the not too distant future have to take risks as Daniel did?
  5. Discuss the ways that the king’s food would have been unclean to a Jew.
  6. Discuss Daniel’s bargaining with the guard.
  7. Discuss peoples motives for following God’s word or in giving, praying and fasting.


Upcoming Lessons

2-8-15     Serving Neighbors, Serving God     Luke 10:25-34 or 10:25-37

2-15-15    Serving the Least     Matthew 25:31-46

2-22-15    Clothed and Ready     Ephesians 6:10-20







Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved





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