Simon is Rebuked
The Spirit is Not for Sale
Acts 8:9-24
October 4, 2015
Jed Greenough
Whenever I read today’s scripture I always feel three things. One I feel sorry for Simon. Two I get frustrated with the limited message he and the others were given where he lived. And three, I question the way Peter reacts towards a neophyte Christian.
People are easily impressed are they not? Who would argue that people were impressed by the acts of Jesus or now at Simon’s time in the apostles’?
Have you wondered at how people fall away in droves after charismatic leaders? And so it will be in the end times as we read in 2 Thessalonians 2. We read of someone called the “man doomed to destruction”. We certainly see what many will see as the great leader someone so bold that “he will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God.”
“The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives…”
Reading that, you can see how people were impressed with what Simon had been doing. You can see how Simon in turn was impressed with the great things Philip had been doing. But yet we read that even what Philip had done was incomplete as these people and Simon had only been baptized in Jesus name.
I hope when you read this scripture you will see the importance of being thorough in our teaching, complete in our learning and in our own need for discernment.
As teachers or shepherds it is important that we make sure what is being taught is not just the flashy but doctrinally thorough. That there is an awareness of all levels of what is being taught from the group, class or pulpit. This is vital to make sure that people are protected. Just because it doesn’t mention it doesn’t mean that Philip did not have a failure here.
But there is also a responsibility for students or neophytes to make sure that they understand that they too have a role. Jesus had many followers who sure liked being fed (John 6) but when the teaching became a little hard that was more than they bargained for.
The student must accept their role to learn, to question, to obey. to follow, yes, but not blindly. Remember the message of God is delivered by men.
My personal opinion is that Peter over reacted to what was Simon’s error. I will grant that Philip and Peter had much to do and were stretched thin. Maybe they had to make their points and move on but I do not think we have that right or role in our churches.
Let us make sure that no matter how big or small our churches are that we are being protective of our new converts and of ourselves.
For Discussion:
- Discuss how new converts can be led down wrong paths.
- Discuss how those who are not properly led even years later can be led astray through a lack of proper teaching.
- Discuss the roles in the church and those position’s responsibilities with regard to this.
- Discuss those who are charismatic.
- Discuss how people emulate those who lead.
- Discuss things in the church that might be more flash than substance.
- What accountability really exists in your church for those who lead.
- Are those who are supposed to be a sort of check and balance where you worship really just a rubber stamp?
- As a scary example where I worship a recent vote gave 99.6% approval on a project that concerned spending millions. I challenge anyone to take a poll of 1,000 people anywhere on any subject and see if that would come anywhere near that! Is the pastor, elders or members being thorough, showing discernment or you fill in the blank. What happens in 2 Thessalonians doesn’t happen outside the church but within. Remember that.
Upcoming Lessons
10-11-15 Saul Earns Credibility or Saul Begins to Preach Acts 9:19b-31
10-18-15 Peter Takes a Risk or Peter Preaches to Gentiles Acts 10:24-38
10-25-15 Trusting the Spirit or Peter Defends His Actions Acts 11:1-18
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved
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