Monday, February 8, 2016

On 2-14-16, Leviticus 23:15-22 will be our Adult Sunday School/ Uniform Series/ International Sunday School Lesson, herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Feast of Weeks or Bountiful Harvest

Feast of Weeks
Bountiful Harvest
 Leviticus 23:15-22
February 14, 2016

Jed Greenough

We have talked about how God had a children to raise up in Israel, we have talked of how they and of course we all learn by example.  Even more recently we have talked how God in setting up these times to commemorate Him not only brought Him the glory He deserved but these commemorations also served to protect and to save them.

This week as we see yet another ordinance here called the Feast of Weeks we see a prescription that might seem a bit “fuzzy” or hard to understand due to all the details involved.  We should recognize though that by glorifying God with their first fruits the people of Israel were able to honor and acknowledge all He provided to them.

By not keeping all they have been blessed with, whether it be these sacrifices and offerings or in not harvesting every last grain from the field there was one more way they could gain insight into God.  The people learned again how to be holy.  They learned that God gives freely and so should they.  Honoring God and providing for the less fortunate was the way to live.

As with last week’s study this ordinance is not for us but it can serve to show how God thinks.  His ways are not naturally ours but just as the Christian should strive for sanctification so should they strive to understand Him.

If we in our way do not reap to the edges of our fields or glean all from them but save them for those in need we will learn just a tiny bit of what it is to give like God gives.  If we tithe even though we no longer have to of the first fruits of what we are given we will be honoring Him with our own ordinances which is even better because we are honoring Him in a true spirit and in truth.

If you are doing this already you know and can testify how right it is.  If you are not you must start and you will see that what I say is true.  Do not be afraid, do not be guilty about the thoughts of concern when you do it as this is natural.  But eventually the doubts will become few and it will be just as natural for you as breathing.

God wanted the children of Israel to do it for their own benefit and I guarantee you that you too will benefit but that won't be why you do it.  Your fellow man will be better because of you.  There will be more opportunities for those who minister, there will be more people fed, fewer people in need of clothes or shelter, and not nearly as many lonely souls.

At least as far as you are concerned there will be a balance in how you live, and you will have done it by choice.

For Discussion:

  1. Discuss ways you have given thanks for the bounty God gives you.
  2. Discuss tithing success and failures.
  3. Discuss different ways in today’s world that we can help others by not reaping the edges of our fields or gathering the gleanings in a manner of speaking.
  4. Read Ruth 2.
  5. Discuss how the people benefitted.

Upcoming Lessons

2-21-16     Day of Atonement or A Clean Slate     Leviticus 16:11-19

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

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