Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The 3-6-16 lesson for Mark 9:14-29

Hey Folks,

At least for now and this time and this blog the pen has run dry!

I started to prepare for this lesson and I just realized I was tired of what I had to say.  Not the message but the messenger!

If you have been in a position especially in the church for too long you begin to settle in, you begin to worry about your retirement security, you begin to think about how much you like the situation.  If you are in this situation you know what I am talking about.  Will you be honest enough to deal with it on your own?

Sometimes moving on is not quitting and I encourage you to examine your position from time to time.

Bottom line it is is not about you or me.  Look at the servant that Christ was.  He showed that we are to have our priority for the glory of God.  How will you do that?  I have to find a new way!




  1. I am sorry to hear that you will no longer be blogging. I only recently found your blog & truly enjoyed your thoughts & interpretation of the Sunday school lesson. I pray God reveals to you what He expects next from you.

  2. I will miss your insights and your thoughtful questions. I know that there is a season for everything. I just hope that as you move on, you will know how much your work was valued and that it blessed many. Godspeed

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