Proclaiming Christ
Philippians 1:12-26 or 1:15-26
International Sunday School Lesson
January 6, 2013
Jed Greenough
How have tough times changed you? How have others going through trials influenced you? Anyone who has endured grueling experiences in their life where their life or that of a loved one is in difficult trials and had the experience glorify God knows what Paul is talking about in our scripture for today.
We look at the agony that Jesus went through in the garden just prior to His arrest and we use that as a guide when we consider how He handled His knowledge of what He was about to endure.
Likewise we study scripture like today’s where Paul though a prisoner through His example Christ is proclaimed thus influencing others to be amazed by his faith and in finding out why they end up Christians. Other Christians seeing that are motivated to proclaim Christ all the more because their life situation is better than Paul’s so they should be able to proclaim Christ as well.
What happens to us really can serve to advance the gospel. We become stricken with disease and in our walk through this we have an opportunity to witness for Christ to a new circle of people. Those that know you and those that are becoming acquainted think, “I want what they have.”
Of course medical issues are only one way that what happens to us can serve to advance the gospel. Many who achieve success fail to realize that all good things come from God and let that opportunity to give Him the glory slip away when that could have served to proclaim Him.
It is interesting to note that Paul doesn’t care what the motives are or what the reasons are but what is important most of all is this proclamation that “while we were still sinners Christ died for us”. People want to know why and it becomes about Him and not them.
Paul knew that he had a reward coming and that he would be with Christ. He was excited about that but he knew that others coming to faith was more important than his single desire for himself. And though he doesn’t say it directly, it isn’t for them either but that through more and more being added Christ is proclaimed more and more and this ultimately to God’s glory.
For Discussion:
1. Discuss how Paul’s example proclaimed Christ.
2. Discuss how some might have thought negatively that Paul was undergoing such things.
3. Discuss personal examples of how your situation helped you or others to witness.
4. Is it important that others know what you are going through? Discuss
5. Discuss what some are enduring in the world today on behalf of the furtherance of the gospel. Pray for them.
6. Discuss the example that Paul uses where the motives of others were not good but yet Paul didn’t mind due to the end result.
7. Discuss how your class might be a powerful voice for proclaiming Christ both within and without of your church.
8. Discuss past success in sharing the gospel of Christ and new ways that might join them considering the world we live in today.
Upcoming Adult Sunday School Class Commentaries
1-13-13: Imitating Christ aka Jesus’ Humility and Exaltation Philippians 2:1-13 or 2:5-11
1-20-13: Knowing Jesus Christ aka Gaining in Jesus Christ Philippians 3:1-11 or 3:7-11
1-27-13: Standing Firm in Christ aka Stand Firm Philippians 3:12-4:1 or 3:12-16
2-3-13: Focused Solely on Christ aka The Supremacy of Jesus Christ Colossians 1:12-23 or 1:15-20
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved
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