Standing Firm in Christ aka Stand Firm
Philippians 3:12-4:1 or 3:12-16
International Sunday School Lesson
January 27, 2013
Jed Greenough
If you refresh your memory by going back and reading last week’s scripture you will see that Paul is smart enough by what he has seen to know that those he is instructing are in most cases not as zealous as him. When they read how much and how far he wanted to know Jesus they may have been literally intimidated or even doubtful about their faith.
So in today’s scripture Paul follows up by saying, “Hey, not that I am perfect yet, but I press on!”
Remember that. Paul wasn’t thinking too highly of himself. He realized that Christ had literally grabbed him in a sense and had a plan for him. Paul knew he had one thing to do: forget the past and forge ahead with vigor. He uses the word straining
Straining...think of the hardest exercise you have ever done. To my mind it is repetitive weight lifting where the idea of strain really comes into play. It is this effort that Paul was talking about and what we should be seeing in our own efforts.
We all know that we aren’t straining or pressing on as we should but let’s do as Paul and forget the past and forge ahead with vigor and see what we can do about that. Paul isn’t very vague when he say’s if we don’t view things in this manner we are immature in our faith! And I love it that Paul so confidently expresses that God will clear things up for us if we disagree with him.
But I certainly am grateful for Paul’s confidence and wouldn’t it be great if all in authority could not just say, “be like me”, but actually have it be true that they always practice what they preach. It is one thing to implore someone to be something but it is a different matter to be that way as well.
That is how as Paul concludes in 4:1 that you should stand firm by being like him, forgetting the past, straining ahead, pressing on toward the goal and using his example and others who live according to the pattern Paul had given.
Are others going forward going to be able to use you as their example so that they can stand firm? If so then they will be a part of your crown. If not….well we will all answer one day for what we have done.
For Discussion:
1. Discuss how Paul’s statement of not having obtained all that or being perfect can be used as an encouragement when we are disappointed in ourselves.
2. If you are a teacher spend time with God examining what you need to do as an example.
3. If you aren’t a teacher leader you are still an example to other Christians. Spend time in prayer with God examining what you need to do as an example for others.
4. Discuss verse 16.
5. It may seem obvious but discuss what it means to live as an enemy to the cross if you are supposed to be a Christian.
6. In regard to verses 18-20 ask people to consider what they think about first when they awake in the morning. Is it God, or is it the kids, the bills the job and so on.
7. With regard to the crown Paul mentions in 4:1 see where else a crown is mentioned in the NT.
Upcoming Adult Sunday School Class Commentaries
2-3-13: Focused Solely on Christ aka The Supremacy of Jesus Christ Colossians 1:12-23 or 1:15-20
2-10-13: Raised with Christ Full Life in Christ Colossians 2:6-15
2-17-13: Clothed with Christ Colossians 3:5-17
2-24-13: Disciplined for Life aka Spiritual Disciplines for New Life Colossians 4:2-17 or 4:2-6
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved
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