The Promise of a Future
Genesis 15:5-21 or 15:7-21
International Sunday School Lesson
October 6, 2013
Jed Greenough
Would you believe when I read today’s scripture I thought about Facebook of all things? It’s true.
Of course Abram’s (Abraham’s) age is always considered when you think about him and I got to thinking for some reason about the people who visit this blog. The blog users are quiet and there isn’t any known information about them personally other than mostly numbers.
Because of this I got to thinking about Facebook because users there submit a profile so when you have a page you can see a bit more about the people who “like” your page. A few will fudge but overall the results will be within a range of accuracy I think is acceptable.
I have a Facebook page for the sole reason to help people find the blog to help them in their prep work for that coming week’s Sunday school lesson so I looked to the stats. I think those who visit the blog are fairly similar, I mean, why wouldn’t they be?
Two thirds are women. What does that tell you either about Facebook users or those who are preparing for Sunday School?
There are 50 countries represented but of course the vast majority is from the United States.
Most importantly I think that half are 45 and older which doesn’t surprise consider the subject matter is for Adult Sunday schools. But let’s think about that age issue.
The lion share is between 35 and 64 and then there is a sharp drop off with the younger adults and with the senior ones. Why is that?
I have a theory based on my own experience that says the younger ones; the ones who feel immortal or who have belonged to a weaker church education system don’t see or feel the need. And the older ones are tired, they feel like they have done their time and sometimes that they don’t have a part in the modern church.
If we can learn anything from today’s scripture that might be new from what we have talked about in the past when we look at Abraham is our own roles as Christians with regard to our age. Abram was an old, old man but God chose him.
Abram was a special man and God knowing everything about him that this was the man to start with and so He chose him. He didn’t rule him out because he had been there and done that. Just because Abram had packed up and moved away from everything he knew, built up his flocks and established himself his ability to contribute even late in life wasn’t over.
God likewise chooses each of us from before we were born. Like it or not God did. He knows everything. So if He chooses us, we are just like Abram regardless of our age or the life we have lived thus far.
If we are young we have much to learn but we also have energy and new ideas. We can help not just our own but all ages and we should and not just that but study is crucial to wrapping yourself in what you need to know concerning God and His word.
If we are later in life, we are tired but the young and old alike need us. Are we better than Abraham?
For Discussion:
1. If you have forgotten more than the younger ones will ever know your role is crucial to share
2. Discuss how churches may have separated themselves into groups too much
3. Discuss how Sunday School may be the only place where we can truly share in the fellowship of the spirit
4. Discuss a plan of recruitment for your class
5. Read my blog from 12-11-11 where I did another commentary on basically this scripture
6. Discuss some of the attributes that Abram displayed in today’s scripture
7. Discuss Abram driving off the birds of prey in verse 11. What can be read into that?
8. Discuss being useful at any age to the church and don’t forget to include the homebound.
9. Readership varies on this blog sometimes by almost a thousand people week to week. My efforts are for the Kingdom. Please don’t rely on Google. Bookmark my blog if it helps you.
Upcoming Lessons
10-6-13 The Promise of a Future Genesis 15:5-21 or 15:7-21
10-13-13 A Promise to Sarah Genesis 17:15-17; 18:9-15; 21:1-7
10-20-13 Blessings for Ishmael and Isaac or A Blessing for Ishmael and Isaac Genesis 21:12-14, 17-21; 26-2-5, 12, 13 or 21:13-14, 17-21; 26:2-5, 12-13
10-27-13 The Blessing Passes to Jacob Genesis 28:1a, 10-22
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved