A Generous Gift
Matthew 23:2-12; Mark 12:38-44
December 27, 2015
Jed Greenough
Reading the scriptures from today should send shivers down the spines of some who teach and at least give pause to all who do!
Really I don’t think there are too many teachers especially Sunday School ones who are in danger of this but then again I have not been exposed to all that there is and there could be much more than I think.
No, I think that most of these labor without glory in this day and age because those they labor for do not encourage them but instead they take. Rather hard in that situation to become too full of one’s self.
But I suppose there are some who succeed in certain ways and the accolades they receive from men may lead to some of what we read in today’s scripture.
More likely and in fact definitely what is in sight are our “supreme” church leaders. Those that wear the robes and speak from the pulpit or whatever form that takes and are called whatever title your church bestows.
The position brings with it automatic respect, automatic credit from doubt and a supposition of correctness. People have always wanted to align themselves with power and when you get treated special it naturally leads to the danger of the downfall of the devil himself which was pride.
As with most things, being aware of the danger and being prayerful about it are the first solid steps to remaining grounded. But I think that this fault is most likely to occur with those who have not truly received the gift from the Holy Spirit to teach but rather have inserted themselves into the position. So if they have reached for a position for which they are not truly ordained it stands to reason there can be fall out.
Whichever the case these individuals are not alone in their blame if the elders that surround them do not help them, if their education didn’t prepare them for this and if those who have chosen them along the way have not shown discernment or the individual in the church shows favoritism.
The widow from today shows the gravity of these leaders position in what they do with what they are given. They decide how to spend what this poor woman who gave everything provided to them.
How will they be judged by their choices? Did they choose that they were worthy of a building addition, a special sound system, a special house or car or even a jet over feeding the poor, clothing the ragged, seeding a new church, nurturing a missionary or spreading the gospel?
What she gave she gave to God but these who lead are the intermediaries who write the check. In their pride do they decide that God’s clear examples of how to give are no longer relevant. Do they twist and turn it to say that they need those things mentioned above or some variant in order to accomplish this?
Truly as I said those who do this should have shivers run down their spine and especially when they read what Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
For Discussion:
- Discuss from verse 3 how Jesus stressed the need to follow those in authority despite their shortcomings.
- With regard to verse 4 discuss how leaders such as Rabbis overcomplicated things such as the Sabbath.
- If no one should be called Rabbi or instructor or teacher or father what might we me doing wrong in titles we use today in light of this scripture?
- Discuss how we might help the situation.
- Discuss when the needs of the church or improvements in the church should come in versus widows, orphans, the poor, the prisoner and of course the gospel.
- Was Jesus being critical of the wealthy who gave or just praising the poor woman? Discuss.
- Happy New Year!
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Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved
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