Monday, December 29, 2014

On 1-4-15, Jesus’ Model for Prayer will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Jesus’ Model for Prayer

Jesus' Model for Prayer
Luke 11:1-13
International Sunday School Lesson
January 4, 2015

Jed Greenough

“Lord, teach us to pray.”  If you concentrate on nothing else this week make it that sentence.  These disciples had been through much with Jesus already.  You know that they had prayed their whole lives or at the very least must have been prayerful as a result of their being with Jesus.

We know from the scriptures in Luke alone that Jesus prayed after monumental events (Luke 3:21). That he withdrew from others so that He could pray in solitude (Luke 5:16).  That He sometimes prayed for hours at a time (Luke 6:12).  Jesus showed them that even those who mistreated them were to be prayed for (Luke 6:28).  He showed them that they should always pray and never give up and yet lengthy prayers for show were not desirable (Luke 18 and 20).

Clearly these are just a few of the examples via demonstration that Jesus gave and yet the disciple who spoke asked for more.  Should we ask for more?  Do we think that something so basic we grow up with is like riding a bike once you’ve learned it you’ve got it for life?

Like the disciple, we have our examples from Jesus too and yet we neglect prayer, we make a show of prayer or we fail to pray for what we should.

Praying correctly despite being disciples of Christ is important enough for the experienced to remind themselves regularly.  Perhaps they pray the same prayer so often it is just a repeating of words.  Maybe they don’t pray to the Father but to Christ who in fact intercedes for us with the Father (Hebrews 7:25).  Do you ever get in a habit of praying just for you and yours instead of what is God’s?  Are we afraid to pray for God’s will?

We all are creatures of habit in some fashion.  It might be how we bathe, it might be what we eat and it most likely is often in how we pray.  But just because we do something repeatedly doesn’t mean we don’t develop bad habits or start to get off track.  Even the great golfer Tiger Woods has a coach to help him with his swing and I’d say this disciple was pretty smart to ask the question.

For Discussion:

1.      Find and discuss examples of those who prayed in the Bible that you feel are good models.
2.      Discuss the great significance of verse 13.
3.      I grew up reciting the Lord’s Prayer in church but where I worship now does not.  I never grew tired of it and I miss it.  Discuss the congregational aspects of saying the Lord’s prayer.
4.      Discuss the importance in what Jesus is saying to pray, “Father, hallowed be they name.”
5.      And, “your kingdom come.”
6.      And so on with verse 4.
7.      Discuss the meaning of “and lead us not into temptation” when we know from scripture that God does not tempt anyone (James 1:13).

Upcoming Lessons      
1-11-15     Jesus’ Prayer for His Disciples     John 17:6-21 or 17:1-26
1-18-15     Jesus’ Intercession for Us     Hebrews 4:14-5:10
1-25-15     Powerful Prayer or We Prayer for One Another     James 5:13-18 or James 5    

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Sunday, December 21, 2014

On 12-28-14, Matthew 14:22-36 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Worship God’s Son or In Awe of Christ’s Power

Worship God's Son
In Awe of Christ’s Power
Matthew 14:22-36
International Sunday School Lesson
December 28, 2014

Jed Greenough

You of little faith why did you doubt?”
Faith, that is really what this scripture for today’s lesson is about for me today.  We can’t doubt Peter had it, he said, “tell me to come to you on the water.”  What’s more he meant it.  We don’t read of hesitation at this point just that he got down out of the boat and walked on the water!
Being His first water walking experience with waves that could toss a boat it must have been an experience to say the least.  I won’t criticize him for his panic.  I’m not sure Jesus does either but just says, “you of little faith why did you doubt?”  Another word I’d like to insert in there is the one found in some translations, instead of doubt put waver.  When I read, “why did you waver?”  I can see things from Peter’s view point a bit more.
I’m afraid I’m all too familiar with the waver part.  My problem is I don’t like doing more than one thing at a time.  Walking on water is one thing but throwing some tossing waves in their can mess me up in my faith walk.
I’m cruising along and I’m doing really well concentrating on Him and His face and then other distractions like work, family or health draw my attention and though I still have faith I’ve lost my concentration on it.
I know many of you know how to balance your faith with these things and you really need to realize that a lot of your brothers and sisters don’t have that gift.  Have you ever considered how much help you could be to them?
Well the people at the end of today’s scripture didn’t have any trouble mustering and keeping the faith they had.  They were dying or hurting so bad.  They wanted relief.  They had all heard the stories, so many they developed a faith so sure they felt that just touching his clothes would be enough to heal them. 
They were right and they were rewarded for their faith.  Imagine if we could concentrate like that all the time even through distractions in our walk of faith.  Pray about it!
For Discussion:
1.      If you waver, discuss it.
2.      If you used to waver but things are better now, discuss that.
3.      If you have managed to not be distracted discuss your ability.
4.      Discuss what Peter went through.
5.      If you are hurting, discuss what you would do to just touch the edge of Jesus’ cloak.
6.      Do you have a time of day when your faith wavers most?  For me it happens the worst in the middle of the night rather like the boat the disciples were in at night.
7.      Discuss if you fear what might happen if you asked Jesus to call you out into the “water”.

Upcoming Lessons            
1-4-15        Jesus’ Model for Prayer, Luke 11:1-13
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Sunday, December 14, 2014

On 12-21-14, Luke 2:8-20 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Give Glory to God or Glory to God in the Highest

Give Glory to God
Glory to God in the Highest
Luke 2:8-20
International Sunday School Lesson
December 21, 2014

Jed Greenough

I hope that you were here last week and read #21 where I encouraged you to discuss inviting new people into your class.  Of course it is a good thing to do any time but this Sunday being right before Christmas regular church attendance should be at a peak and Christmas celebrations that these people might be having won’t “get in the way”.  This can also help to get them back to church on the 28th if they are not regular in their attendance.
No offense to those that preach but these class rooms are just a better place to learn about God and to truly see like the shepherds from today’s scripture did that the story of Jesus was “just as they had been told.
Once that is accomplished my hope and prayer is that they, again like the shepherds will return to where they come from “glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen.”
The shepherds could not help to share the good news so how about you?  If you procrastinated or if this is even the Saturday before there must be someone you can visit with in person, phone, Facebook or whatever.  This maybe the best attended Sunday of the year, please do your part to help others find the peace of God the angels mentioned.
For Discussion:
1.      Consider how hard it is for most people to walk into a class on their own for the first time.
2.      Discuss what the angels must have felt
3.      Discuss what the shepherds must have felt
4.      Discuss what it must have been like to see what those shepherds saw and heard.
5.      Discuss what Mary must have been feeling.
6.      Discuss that this was announced to shepherds tending their flocks.
7.      Discuss the words found in verse 11, “a savior has been born to you”.
8.      Discuss how and the ways that people today use and can’t help but share good news in their life.
9.      Merry Christmas, Jed.
Upcoming Lessons            
12-21-14   Give Glory to God or Glory to God in the Highest, Luke 2:8-20
12-28-14   Worship God’s Son or In Awe of Christ’s Power, Matthew 14:22-36
1-4-15        Jesus’ Model for Prayer, Luke 11:1-13
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

Monday, December 8, 2014

On 12-14-14, Psalm 95:1-7a will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Make a Joyful Noise.

                  Make a Joyful Noise                      
Psalm 95:1-7a
International Sunday School Lesson
December 14, 2014

Jed Greenough

Sure we can wax poetic about certain scriptures and especially those we read in the Psalms.  This week rather than give mini sermons for our classes let’s ramp up the discussion of all involved.  Let’s engage people by coming up with as many ideas of things that we can discuss.  My hope is that we can find something for every student to find a subject that they can contribute on or that will strike a chord inside of them.
I hope that some of those below will help you do that.
1.      Such a short Psalm anyway how can we possibly leave out verses 8-11?
2.      Why it was important for verse 8-11 to be included when the people of Israel would have heard this Psalm?
3.      Discuss the Lord as the Rock of our salvation and the use elsewhere in the Bible of a rock.
4.      With regard to verse 1, sing sure, but discuss “let us shout aloud”.
5.      Discuss the opposite of verse 2.
6.      Discuss how verse 3 might have been used in the past or perhaps even today with non-believers/knowers of Him.
7.      Discuss why the psalmist uses depths, peaks, sea and land in verses 4-5.
8.      If you don’t bow down or kneel where you worship discuss that and discuss doing it in private.
9.      Discuss what it literally means to bow or kneel down.
10.  Find and discuss scripture in the Bible dealing with shepherd and flock.
11.  There is an interesting scripture dealing with what I believe refers to the antichrist; find and discuss as it sharply defers from Christ our shepherd.
12.  Discuss why praise is such an important part of worship gatherings.
13.  Is there a reason that the praise part of our worship be done very well?
14.  Discuss why the frequency of praise is important.
15.  How can you include praise as a part of your class?
16.  Find and read aloud other psalms or songs in full or in part that you particularly find praise God.
17.  Are there ways that praise attempts fail?  Discuss.
18.  Have you found places of worship that serve as great examples?
19.  Discuss examples where too informal or too rigid of praise fail.
20.  How can we know if we have some shortcomings with regard to our praise if we ourselves are satisfied?  Discuss.
21.  Discuss inviting people to Sunday School next week.  It would be a great time to get them started and a great way to end the year.
Upcoming Lessons            
12-21-14   Give Glory to God or Glory to God in the Highest, Luke 2:8-20
12-28-14   Worship God’s Son or In Awe of Christ’s Power, Matthew 14:22-36
1-4-15        Jesus’ Model for Prayer, Luke 11:1-13
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved