Sunday, December 14, 2014

On 12-21-14, Luke 2:8-20 will be our Adult Sunday School/Uniform Series/International Sunday School Lesson herein is my commentary. This lesson is known by some as Give Glory to God or Glory to God in the Highest

Give Glory to God
Glory to God in the Highest
Luke 2:8-20
International Sunday School Lesson
December 21, 2014

Jed Greenough

I hope that you were here last week and read #21 where I encouraged you to discuss inviting new people into your class.  Of course it is a good thing to do any time but this Sunday being right before Christmas regular church attendance should be at a peak and Christmas celebrations that these people might be having won’t “get in the way”.  This can also help to get them back to church on the 28th if they are not regular in their attendance.
No offense to those that preach but these class rooms are just a better place to learn about God and to truly see like the shepherds from today’s scripture did that the story of Jesus was “just as they had been told.
Once that is accomplished my hope and prayer is that they, again like the shepherds will return to where they come from “glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen.”
The shepherds could not help to share the good news so how about you?  If you procrastinated or if this is even the Saturday before there must be someone you can visit with in person, phone, Facebook or whatever.  This maybe the best attended Sunday of the year, please do your part to help others find the peace of God the angels mentioned.
For Discussion:
1.      Consider how hard it is for most people to walk into a class on their own for the first time.
2.      Discuss what the angels must have felt
3.      Discuss what the shepherds must have felt
4.      Discuss what it must have been like to see what those shepherds saw and heard.
5.      Discuss what Mary must have been feeling.
6.      Discuss that this was announced to shepherds tending their flocks.
7.      Discuss the words found in verse 11, “a savior has been born to you”.
8.      Discuss how and the ways that people today use and can’t help but share good news in their life.
9.      Merry Christmas, Jed.
Upcoming Lessons            
12-21-14   Give Glory to God or Glory to God in the Highest, Luke 2:8-20
12-28-14   Worship God’s Son or In Awe of Christ’s Power, Matthew 14:22-36
1-4-15        Jesus’ Model for Prayer, Luke 11:1-13
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved